Part 3

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Shawn and I drove around the lake for what felt like hours. We talked about everything, which felt really good. I told him all about my dad and step family. Even though I had just met him, I felt like I could trust him with anything.

Turns out he's going into college next school year which freaked me out a little bit at first, but then I just shook it off. He told me all about him, too. About his parents and how they always fought and it was like they were divorced. Also, he told me how the day he turned 18, he immediately moved out, which surprised me because he doesn't seem capable of handling that.

Shawn decided to drop the anchor and just chill out for a little while. He stood up from the drivers seat and plopped down right next to me. In fact he almost sat on me. I let out a small giggle and looked into his eyes.

Then, he picked me up from my seat and put me on him. I rapped my arm around his neck and laughed.

He put on a huge goofy smile and said, "Well hello there beautiful." For a while I just stared at him and wondered where he wanted this going. But wherever it was going I liked it so far. I haven't felt like this for quite a while and I was more than okay with being like this with him.

I smiled and questioned, "What are you doing Shawn?"

He leaned into me, looked me right in the eyes and whispered, "Nothing. Nothing at all." Then he tilted his head, leaned in even more, and closed his eyes.

Shawn kissed me. It wasn't just a peck on the lips or a kiss that had no meaning. It was one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had. Almost as passionate of kiss as when Ash and I would kissed. The kiss scared me, but I loved how it felt. I felt safe, wanted, and not alone.

He kept going and I didn't stop him. I had only known for a couple of hours, but it felt as if I've known him much longer.

I stopped him and put my nose to his nose and whispered,"Shawn, what time is it?"

He grabbed the side of my face, kept our noses touching and said, "12am, do I need to drive you back home?"

I shut my eyes tight and let out a sigh. "I probably should go back, my dads most likely freaking out." But the thing is, I didn't want to go. I could stay with Shawn all night; he was so great.

He looked up at me with a sad face and responded with, "Okay, Dani." Then he kissed me on the fore head, stood up and pulled the anchor back on the boat. He took my hand, sat down in the drivers seat and pulled me on him. I snuggled into his shoulder and shut my eyes.

When we finally got to my dock, he picked me up and carried me off the boat.

"Bye Shawn."

Then I started walking off the dock, but he grabbed my hand and said, " Wait," he looked at me with a bit of confusion, "I'll see you tomorrow right?"

I smiled then looked at the ground and said, "Well it is tomorrow, but yes you will."

"Good," He pulled me in for a hug and then kissed my nose, "Good night Danielle." Then he let go of me and I walked away.


I couldn't get this smile off my face. My heart was pounding and I didn't think anything could ruin my wonderful mood, but oh, was I wrong.

I stepped into the cabin and I was immediately bombarded with questions from my dad.

"Where the hell have you been? We all have been worried sick! Why would you do this? You know how much Jennifer and I worry about you!"

"Dad! I'm almost an adult. You can't keep worrying about me and making all of these rules. I'm old enough to look out for myself and make the right decisions!"

"You never make the right decisions Danielle. You always seem to get yourself into trouble! Where were you?"

"I always make the right decisions dad, you just always critique it in every way possible. And I was out on a boat. I actually made a friend and did something other than sit in the cabin like you told me."

"Who's your new friend Dan?"

"His name is Shawn and I didn't get into any trouble just in case your wondering."

"Wait, are you talking about the Tenley's kid?"

"That would be him."

"I never want you with him again Danielle Michelle Carter. He is a dangerous kid and he's always getting into trouble. And isn't he a year older than you?" He said almost yelling the last part.

"I'm sure he's never done anything as horrible as you think! And yes, so what if he's a year older? Your nine years older than Jennifer! I'm so done with your shit. I'm going to bed." I stormed off back into my room to the sounds of him saying, "Dani get back here now!" I locked the door and never wanted to come out unless it was to see Shawn.

When I got into my room I couldn't stop thinking about Shawn and how I felt about him. But what about Ash? He was my first real love and how could betray him like this and start to feel something for somebody else? All of the sudden started to feel sick. I don't think I can deal with this. It's just to hard. I stood up pacing around for a little but I finally started feel tired.

I laid down in my bed and immediately fell asleep.


Author Note-

I know Dani and Shawn just met but omgg they're already so cute. I want haha. But anyways thanks for reading my story and keep reading!! Thankss!! Make sure to leave comments so I know what you guys are thinking!

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