Part 2

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I woke up to the horrid sounds of my little sisters ear piercing screams.

"AHHHHHH!!! Somebody help!! There's a... AHHHH. HUGE BUG!!!" My dad frantically ran into her room thinking something completely horrible had happened. Nope. She's just being a little cry baby as usual.

Her and my brother are always given special treatment. They both act like they're two years old when in reality my sisters 10 and my brothers 11.

Grow up already.


The rest of the day, I spent inside the cabin reading my book. Usually I'm not really into reading, but I had nothing better to do, so why not? When I finally finished the book, it was dinner time. We all ate our meal together as a family (a dysfunctional family). Afterwards my dad pulled me aside to talk to me alone.

"Danielle, I realize that you are not having the best time, but you have to stop being such a brat and think about somebody other than yourself. You are here to enjoy yourself and make a good impression on people. Not just sit inside the cabin all day doing jack shit. So try do be social."

I stood there stunned by what he had said for a couple of seconds.

"What's your problem? I don't need to do anything you say!" I quickly stormed off towards the dock after having enough of his little talk. How could he say that to me? After all I've been through these past months. And for what? Reading a book all day?

I'm almost 18 years old; he can't always be controlling my life! At least I'm not out all day and night drinking, doing drugs, and partying with strangers. He should be happy with me.


When I reached the dock, I collapsed into cris cross apple sauce position and let out a loud sigh. My head was throbbing and I was pissed at my dad. Hell, I'm just pissed at the world. I don't even want to be here. If it was my choice, I would have stayed home all summer with my friends. Not here in the middle of no where with nothing to do.

I am so angry at everything, so I decided to tell the whole world.

"Why the hell is life so freaking annoying!!?!" Screaming it as loud as I could.

"Um, are you alright?" Asked a figure coming from the foggy lake on his boat.

Damn it. I didn't actually want everyone to hear me. "Yeah, I'm fine." As the boat came closer to my dock, I realized the figure was the boy who had asked me if I wanted a ride a couple nights ago.

The boy let out a cute giggle and started talking again. "Uh okay," he laughed again, "hey I was wondering if you maybe wanted to ride around the lake with me for a little while?" I stared at him for a little while admiring his perfect features and his beautiful sparkling green eyes.

I answered very sure of myself, "The answer is the same as it was last night, no." Oops, that probably came off a bit rude.

"Jesus, sorry. You just look like you have nothing better to do and like you could use a friend... I guess not." Shit, that definitely came off like I was a two faced bitch.

"No, I mean I, it's just," I took a long pause trying to get together how I was going to recover, "I just don't like boats." Why'd I say that? Stupid.

He smiled and said, "Well, I promise I won't be reckless and I won't try to get us into trouble."

I thought about what he had said and maybe it was time to try and go on a boat. Also, I needed to do something to make my dad even more angry. So why not.

"Well, then I guess I'll come on." He smiled, took my hand, and helped me onto his speed boat. "So what's your name?"

"It's Danielle." I responded quickly. Despite me being in a defying mood, I was quite nervous being on the boat.

"Ah Danielle. That is a truly beautiful name for a truly beautiful person." I tried to hide from him how much I was blushing but I couldn't help it.

I smiled then asked him, "And your name is?"

"It's Shawn, Shawn Tenley."


Author Note-

Please keep telling me how you like it! And when I get further in tell me what you think should happen next. The whole love story thing will probably start in the next part!! Yayayaya!!

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