Author's Note

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To all those who are reading this story I would like to say sorry. This story will be put on hold because of personal reasons. But I hope you'll still love and support my other stories. Basta my two stories: Pusong Dilaw 2k18 and Vicerylle Confession will no longer update or maybe someday idk pero feel ko di ko na talaga matutuloy yun. So it's okay kung aalisin rin niyo yun sa mga library niyo. Sorry talaga sa mga nagbasa :(

Anyways, I have this new story entitled Tamed. It's for the Annerylle fans. And I'll be publishing another story for the VK fans too pero may twist yun. If you like, you can read it. This time I promise I will finish those stories na hehe :)

Pusong Dilaw Chapter 2k18Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon