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Louis pov:

I did what she said and ran back to tell the others. But i love her and i couldn't just leave her. Even though i haven't known her long, i can feel it in my gut, it's ment to be. Cheesy i know right. So i ran diablo home but didn't go inside, i just left him around the back and he soon went in. Dani just kept playng in my head. The picture of her suffering on the floor in the woods. Then our kiss and i needed to get her. So, i ran as fast as i could to her. I was shouting her name but i got no reply. I really started to worry about her. I then found her on the floor, red liquid was everywhere. She's lost alot of blood. I tried to keep her upright and i kept caressing her cheek. 

"Dani, come on wake up! Dani please wake up, i love you!" My cheeks started to get heated up and everything went blurry as i started to cry. I didn't know what to do. So i picked her up bridal style and ran back to the house. I knew i wasn't fast but i tried. As i got to the house i was screaming for help and then kicked the door open with my foot. They all stood up worried. I layed Dani down on the couch as everyone began crowding round. 

"What happened?" Zayn said.

"Urgh, well we was on a walk and then we went into the woods near a lake and that girl, Jessica i think, she was there. They started argueing and then it all went crazy. They were fighting and that was when Jessica threw her across the other side of the woods." I didn't realise i was crying at that point until i my cheeks were all wet. They were all speaking to her, telling her to wake up. They ripped the top of her jeans and started doing things to her leg as me and Niall stood there silently. 

"I think you guys should go upstairs while we take care of her" Ana told us. We both nodded and made our way upstairs but i was still looking at Dani, still thinking about her every second, i was so worried.

Dani's pov:

I woke up in my bedroom. Still no clue of how i got here. I thought i died out there, well that's what we thought about Jessica. I was changed into my pjamas. I had a bandage over my leg and i couldn't move it. That's when i remembered everything with Jessica and Louis.

"Hey, your awake" Louis said whilst coming in and sitting at the end of my bed. I wanted him to sit closer to me. So i patted next to me and he obeyed by sitting under the cover with me. 

"Hey" I finally said as he kissed me in the nose. We kind of just layed for there a minute, in each others arms with our legs intertwined. 


After all the drama, my leg started to feel abit better and i could finally walk on it. Well, i'm not suprised wth the vampire heath. So Liam decded we should go out to celebrate. Even with a powerful vampire on the loose. But we all agreed anyway. It was the first time i'd actually be going out with Louis, actually out somewhere other then the forest. Me and Ana was getting changed together. She helped me pick out this amazing dress but she looked totally smoking. I'm atually jealous of Harry right now.  She was dressed in and i was in a  As we both made our way down the stairs. Harry and Louis was waiting by the bottom. Harry just picked her up and started snoging her face off, i swear i could throw up at any moment. I just looked at Louis.

"You look..." We both started at the same time. I let out a small giggle again in unison with him.

"You look amazing!" He said to me with a little peck on my lips.

"Thank you, you clean up quite well yourself." I said doing the pecking this time to him.

"Shall we?" He asked holding out his hand and i took it.

Me, Louis,Harry and Ana were in one car and Niall, Liam and Zayn were in another. Harry was driving with Ana in the passenger seat. They didn't really pay attention to me and Louis in the back because they were to focussed on eachother.

"Do you like it here?" I asked Louis.

"Yeah, it's better that youre here with me though" I kinda blushed by that point and i think he noticed so he held my hand and placed it on my lap.


We arrived at this amazing club with drunk teenagers grinding on eachother inside. It was stuffy and there were lots of sweaty people here. Ana and Harry went straight to the dance floor already grinding on each other whispering things in each others ears making them both laugh. I was scared to think about what they were saying. Niall taken Liam and Zayn to loosen up, they were all just standing in the middle of the dance floor jumping. Everyone was drunk out of there mind but me and Louis. I drank lemonade all night because someone has to be responsible here. We can drink alcohol but it just doesn't taste as nice but it still does he job of making us drunk. I didn't really know why Louis wasn't drinking. Probably because he didn't like it, i don't know.

"Why aren't you drinking?" I asked him as we both were sat in a small booth.

"I don't drink" He replied.

"Why not? I mean your young, free and kinda sexy!" I said with a wink as we both started laughing.

"Because i grew up around a life of partying and drinking. It didn't really end well. My father was an alcoholic and he used to abuse me and my mum. Until one day i had enough and hit him back. Thats when he left us, I didn't feel guilty or anything, he should of left a long time ago" He was being really serious and started to tear up. That's when i leaned over and hugged him.

" I would never hurt you" He whispered in my ear. Which made me start to cry. I leaned away and we both wiped our eyes. I was hoping none of my mascara ran but it ddn't really matter here because all the girls was from all the sweat.

"Wanna go for a walk outside" He asked getting up.

"Yeah sure" Walking out we held each others hands. We walked around town for abit. I never really knew how pretty it was. It was about midnight and i was getting chilly. I think Louis realised from me shivering and gave me his jacket. I smiled as we walkd around hand in hand. That's when we stopped near an ally and saw someone with glowing eyes sucking someones neck. I gasped abit walking closer. The guy stopped and looked up to me. 

"YOU!" Louis screamed from behind me. He started walking closer.

"Wait, you know this guy!" I screamed at him. I didn't know how they knew each other because i recognise this guy. He is a very powerful vampire. One of the best i've heard. That's when i froze.

"Hello, son"

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