"I Crave Attention" Thace x Shy Female Reader

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I Crave Attention Thace x Female Shy Reader

Authors note: This was written for Ninjahkitteh18 .
This may be a bit longer than my other stories because I like to establish scenarios correctly. I hope you like it and don't be afraid to request another story! If you all would like me to write something for you, just comment below!

You were born on the planet Blix, a calm planet that had safe night clubs everywhere, social gatherings were held every night, and you enjoyed college. Not only did this planet focus on putting emphasis on education but they also expressed how important it was to be social and have healthy relationships with people.
What's a better way to establish a friendship? Attending a all nighter hotel party.

You were a junior in college and the seniors at your school were throwing a party to make the underclass men feel more welcome. Planet Blix was full of different races of beings for example, you had Galra, Humans, Alteans, Dalterions, and many many more. Planet Blix was the most diverse planet known in the solar system. You, yourself were such a shy girl since birth and you hated that about yourself. If there was one thing you could change about yourself, it would be that. You came across cute guys almost everyday in your life but you were so afraid to approach them. Their pretty smiles, their athletic body, their perfect haircut....it made you day dream about them all the time. The only reason you agreed to go to this party is because your friends practically begged you to go. They just wouldn't stop bothering you, so you gave in.

"Listen, (insert name here), we want to help you."

"We do. We don't want you to die alone."

"What?! I'm not going to die alone!," you say defensively.

"Look...just talk to at least 3 guys tonight. We'll point some out for you."

"Whatever. Point some out that you know I'll at least have a chance with."

You all walk through the door of the hotel room and as soon as you do so, almost all of those guys are literally yelling your name. Huh...that was quite odd. They acted like they didn't notice you in school but know they know your name? Be ware.

As you walk in, you notice out of the corner of your eye that a tall, muscular purple man was staring at you the entire time you walked past. Your friends (insert female name here) and (insert male name here) sat in the corner couch next to the mini bar. The alcoholic drinks only contained no more than 20% of actual alcohol. Planet Blix had banned marijuana substances and cigarettes as whole and it has made its people's lives much better. The alcohol was really there for decoration, people usually didn't drink it. Almost instantly both of your friends set their coats with you and got up to dance. Did they care about your social life? Probably not. They just wanted to drag you out of the house.

Due to instant boredom, you pull your hi-tech phone out and begin to play around on it.

"Hey. Can I sit here," a mildly deep voice said.

As you try to meet this man's gaze, his tall muscular statued figure made your entire body shiver. You couldn't open your mouth, even if your wanted to. The lights were dimmed but his yellow pupil-less eyes glowed in the dark. They were quite pretty.


"Sure! Sure! You can sit here if you'd like!"

Whoa. Calm down. Don't scare the guy away!

"Thanks. So tell me, are you a freshman?"

"Uh..no. I'm a junior," you respond looking at the ground.

"Oh! You look to young to be a junior. I'm a senior here, I'll be graduating this semester."

"That's cool."

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