Hyper Lethal vs. Hyper Lethal

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Personnel record: Sierra-117.

Status: Combat ready

Nearby: UNSC strike force.

Mission: Operation Saving Grace


I gazed at Sword Base. It was burnt to a crisp. Silently, I gave orders to the team, having them flank the base. I took a step forwards, the AIs under my command protecting my mind.

"Cortana! Come out!"

Through a wall of smoke, a black figure approached. "The name's Six, John." 'His' voice had a hint of feminine.

I narrowed my eyes. "I know that you're controlling him, Cortana. Give up the act."

Cortana chuckled. "Giving me the cold shoulder? No matter. I found a different ally to help me." She spread Six's arms out.

I growled. "He never agreed to this, Cortana."

She rolled his head around. "Oh, shut up now!"

Suddenly, Six's body was covered in digital blue flame and his visor turned the same shade of blue as Cortana. She lunged at me and I rolled away, slipping my rifle onto my back. She tried to punch me, but I grabbed her fist. A swift kick to the gut caused her to double over and I brought my fist down to slam her into the ground, but she suddenly grabbed my wrist, twirled away, and threw me to the ground. She made a move to draw Six's pistol, but I gave her a swift kick to the wrist, sending the Magnum flying across the dirt.

Cortana glared at me. "Ignorant machine!"

She swung at me, but I ducked under it. Slamming my leg into hers, I swept her off the floor, then delivered a vicious punch to the gut, slamming her into the dirt. Cortana kicked me in the visor, causing me to stumble back, which was enough time for her to get up and grab hold of me.

She slammed her knee into me several times before headbutting me. I stumbled back and fell down, dazed. Cortana put her boot on my throat and slowly put her weight on it.

"Good night, John."

I bared my teeth and shoved her off. Getting up, I punched her in the chest, my fist denting Six's armor and definitely cracking several of his ribs. Snarling, I punched Cortana several times before she hit me in the gut so hard, I doubled over. Before I could stand up, Cortana slammed her fist across my visor, sending me flying back.

My hand drifted up to my visor and I felt my fingers against the bride of my nose. Without a sound, I stood up and looked at Cortana. We exchanged punches several more times before I was able to down her. I broke her visor, too, and saw that Six's eyes were a cold blue.

"You can't win, John! Give up!"

I raised my fists. "Never. I will destroy you, Cortana."

Six/Cortana smirked. "Never make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it, John."

I bared my teeth. "I know I can keep this one, Cortana!"

I lunged forward and slammed my fist into her, dealing some noticeable damage. Cortana was caught so off guard, I was able to deal blow after blow, keeping her off balance. Slamming my leg into Cortana's head, she was sent flying and Six began to cough up blood. Thing was, Cortana was still in control.

"This is for your own good, Six."

I slammed my boot into his head, knocking him unconscious. Sighing, I knelt beside him.

"I'm sorry, Six. This was all for your sa-"

Suddenly, Six lunged up and punched me in the jaw, sending me flying. The world began to tilt back and forth, but I stood tall.

"DIE!" Cortana lunged at me.

I rolled away and round-housed her in the gut. Taking advantage of her situation, I slammed my boot into the back of Six's head, causing more blood to come out.

Hurry up!

Cortana dealt me another blow to the chin and this time, I couldn't stand up. Colors danced in my vision as Cortana loomed over me.

"Goodbye, John."

She raised her foot to end me, but Six (in his own voice) yelled out in pain and clutched the sides of his head. He fell down and the two of us passed out.

Short chapter (again!), but I can't make 1000+ words of pure fighting.

Anyways, how was this chapter?

Feel free to tell me!

A Hero's Sacrifice: a tale about Noble SixWhere stories live. Discover now