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Callisto, Cons-Port Laboratories, 3285 Common Era

"We understand that this is all a bit abrupt," Ivan recalled the representatives saying. "We will allot you a few days to consolidate and conclude any worldly business you have, as you will likely be gone for over a year, possibly several."

"I understand," Ivan had replied, though there was not much preparation for him to do. Given he just started his vacation, he was already well-packed and ready for travel. His only business was a message to his lab saying he'll be extending his hiatus.

The representatives had parked a ship in orbit for him to use and now, less than a day later, he peered out into the hangar bay of Cons-Port Laboratories, six-hundred million kilometers away on the Galilean Moon, Callisto. In all his years of life, he had actually never set foot on Callisto, though the immediate atmosphere of the laboratories' hangar gave him the impression of any ordinary spacefaring city terminal. The station itself was small, only a few kilometers at its longest, and according to the public manifest it was sparsely crewed, with only about a hundred residents and employees total.

Ivan stepped out of the interplanetary vessel and looked all about himself. Directly above him and below the high-rise hangar ceiling he saw several ingrav-suspended modules of a ship being worked on in a flurry of welding spatter and robotics. Presumably, the out-going research vessel the representatives detailed to him at the end of their conversation. To his left and right were other inter- and intra-planetary vessels parked in their own corresponding bays, no more than ten in total.

He heard his suitcase quietly wheeling up beside him from the ship, and before him, an attendant materialized. The figure was devoid of any gender-wise features and their tone was gender neutral.

"Mr. Syzonenko, right this way," the attendant gestured with an outstretched arm. The attendant led him down a series of corridors. The walls were all white, plastic module-tiles, which suggested that the installment itself was not renovated or specialized past its initial set-up, i.e., the installation was fairly new. The attendant gestured to a door, said, "This is your room."

Ivan opened the door and his suitcase wheeled on in. The room was a simple affair for living, a bed with storage and toiletry utilities.

"There are people in the main lab expecting you. Shall I lead you there?" The attendant queried.

Ivan checked the building's layout interface to find the main lab. Just down the hall. "No, that'll do, thank you."

"Very well." The attendant disappeared.

Ivan spent a moment in the room freshening and dressing in something he didn't sleep in. Even though it had been less than a day since he was on The Moon, the flight to Callisto was still a nineteen-hour one. He threw on a plaid shirt and fixed his hair. A shower later was quite necessary, though it could wait. He let his suitcase unpack itself into the dresser drawers and headed out, down to the main lab. The doors slide aside for him and there, he was greeted by a familiar face.

"Professor Syzonenko, I'm glad you've agreed to join us," the woman said. "I am--"

Ivan interrupted, "Audrey Chambers, yes, how could I forget my favorite student?"

"You remember me, I'm flattered. Though, if I am remembering correctly, I failed your course. Twice."

"That's true. However, it was your ambition that stood you apart from the other students. Ambition that reminded me of myself, I suppose. And besides," Ivan gestured all around him, "look at where failing my courses got you. Director of a private research facility."

Audrey began to lead him through the lab complex, a series of data interfaces, desktops, and glass cubicles containing machinery and miscellaneous devices. "A very small facility," she replied. "Not large enough to hold my--er--ambitions. Actually, that's not true anymore. After the disappearance of Goodwill, they've started to send me more personnel and funds. This place is really blowing up."

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