Chapter Seven: Damian's Untold Feelings

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Chapter Seven: Damian's Untold Feelings


I groaned and turned off my alarm. The first week back at school has been long. I really wanted to sleep in, but my trainer didn't think too greatly of it. I got up out of bed and pulled on some grey yoga pants and a lime green jogging bra. I headed down the hall to kitchen and grabbed myself an apple and some orange juice.

"Morning." A deep voice grumbled. I looked behind my shoulder to see Nick standing in the doorway.

"Morning!" I replied. "How'd you sleep?"

"Well," He started, "if it wasn't for you getting up then I would still be sleeping."

"Woah, dude. It's not my fault that you're a super light sleeper! So calm down, and get ready. Tanner's coming over for training today, remember?"

Nick groaned in reply and grabbed a bowl of cereal. He poured the Lucky Charms and milk into the bowl and begn eating sloppily.

I looked at him in disgust and headed to my room to put my running shoes on. Once I got them on, I went back to the kitchen to see Nick still there, probably on his third bowl of cereal. "Hey Nick?"

"Mmhmm?" He said with a mouthful of cereal.

"I'm headed down to the sidewalk to start some stretches. If Tanner misses me, I'll probably be at the park two blocks down. Okay?"

Nick simply grunts in response. "Pig." I mutter.

"Hey! I heard that!" He exclaimed.

"Uh, yeah. That's the whole point." I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes. He is just so dumb sometimes, it's funny. I turned and walked out of the house with my iPhone and earphones. I turned on the music and blasted at a high volume. I did a couple stretches and then ran to the park. The park was a simple playground with a tennis court and field behind it. It had a small patch of trees towards the right and more town houses on the left.

I took off my running shoes and socks and walked through the sand making my way to the swing set. There were a few kids and mothers here but they were all focuses on the slides. I sat down on one of the swings and closed my eyes. The water was close by, I remembered. Down the trail and past the trees, and you'll come across a beach. That beach held so many memories of Damian and I when we were kids.

I sighed, feeling dejected, I seriously missed him. I wish we didn't have that fight. And the thing that sucks, is that he doesn't even know that I'm me. Not Autumn McKyenna, but Natalie Keller Preston. "Nat?" I deep masculine voice asked. I looked up and saw one of my good friends, Tanner.

I ran up and quickly wrapped my arms and legs around him. "Oh my god! It's been how long now?"

He just chuckled. "Since you last went on tour."

I frowned. "Nooo, wasn't it when I did the movie?"

He thought about it. "Oh right. I was thinking of your second tour. Well, you apparently have another movie coming up."

I groaned. "Ugh! I was hoping to possibly be like a normal teenager for the next few months that I go to school. But then again, who's the director?"

"Not sure. But I think it's that Cameron Hunner that everybody's hyped up about."

I squealed. "OH MY GOD! NO WAY?!"

"What's so special about him?"

"One: He has created the best movies I have ever seen, like 'Love At First Sight' and 'The Werewolf's Mate'. And two: He is too hot for his own good." I sighed dreamily. He was only 23, so it wasn't that big of an age difference. Plus, he's got the drop-dead-gorgeous looks of every blond surfer boy.

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