Chapter Ten - Clubbing With The Stars

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Chapter Ten - Clubbing With The Stars

I turned down a long and abandonned alley and clicked a button on my visor. A garage door leading underground opened and I turned the car in. Lights started flashin bright so I can see as the door to the outside world locked shut. 

The bright glares and reflective lights from cars as equally expensive--or more--and luxury as my car stood out in long neat rows. Marnee stared at the cars longingly and took pictures with her iPhone. 

"Marnee? You got some drool dripping down your chin there." I told her over my Avenged Sevenfold CD that was currently playing. 

She brought her wrist up to wipe the imaginary drool. She turned and glared at me. "I'm not drooling."

I laughed. "Might as well of been."

Men in black tuxedos and reflective gear led me to my reserved parking spot. I pulled into the over-sized parking space, the name of Keller Tearheart displayed on the sign in big and gold sparkly letters signifying my VIP status here.

"Shit, girl. You even got our own parking space. What are you, the manager or something?" Marnee asked.

"I'm actually a co-owner and a VIP. It's because I can perform here whenever I feel like it. Plus, Marco--the owner--is like my BGFF." I explained to her.

"BGFF?" She questioned.

"Best guy friend forever." I said. I grabbed my cell and threw my arms around Marnee. "Say 'fame'!" 

"FAME!" We giggled and posed at the same time. 

Walking arm in arm, we headed into the club. "Wanna drink?" I said in her ear.

She just nodded her head as she took the club in. It was sleek in modern and contemporary colors and furniture. The DJ, the best in NYC, was playing a house remix of one of my hit singles, Play With Fire and Nicholas Kipp's new single Breakeven. It sounded surprisingly good.

I walked up to the bar and smiled when I saw my favorite bar tender filling up some beers. I walked behind the bar receiving odd stares from nearby people and Marnee and put my hands over his eyes. 

In my Australian accent, I asked, "Guess who?"

Seth James whipped his head around with a crooked grin that showed off his dimples. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest in a death hold. "Hey, Tearheart! It's been a long time. You performing tonight?"

I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away. I looked him up and down. He was wearing black shoes, black slacks, and a black button up shirt. His usually buzz-cut hair was now a brown that hangs past his ears and into his deep nearly black brown eyes. "You look sharp, hun. How's everything with Mr. Hotstuff?"

Mr. Hotstuff was our code name for the guy he had a crush on. Seth held up a dog tag with the letters S.J + R.P. "We're getting married, Kel!" He exclaimed excitedly.

I squealed and wrapped my arms around him again. I then let go and started jumping up and down like a three year old on a sugar high. "Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" I screamed and started singing; "You're getting marrrrrrrrrried. You're getting marrrrrrrrried." I stopped when I realized he wasn't doing a happy dance/song with me. 

He looked at me with amusement while I pouted. "Why aren't you excited?"

He shook his head and chuckled. "Well it happened a month ago, so the novelty wore off."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him around the bar to where Marnee was standing and watching the exchange with narrowed calculating eyes. I smiled at her. "Hey, Marns! This is Seth. He was the one that first brought me to this club." I gestured to Seth, then to Marnee. "And this is Marnee. She's like my soul sister!" 

As we started getting in a heated conversation on whether or not SMS--a super famous boy band--was legit or not. A high pitch voice interrupted us. "Keller? Is that you?"

I turned around to see none other than Adrileene Emerson. The lead singer of The Killer Beez, a huge girl band consisting of eight other girls by the names of: Marni Davis, Rochelle Pickett, Taylor McLean, Molly Tate, Renee Anderson, Jaime Knight, Rhea Lovett, and Vanessa Nattress.

"Hey, A! Where are the girls and your boys?" I asked cause usually they are all always together.

"Oh they're backstage getting ready to perform. Ya wanna open with us?"

I looked at Marnee and Seth. "I have to get back to work anyways." He stated then left.

I focused on Marnee. "I get to got backstage and meet The Killer Beez? Okay, why not?" She then link her arm with mine as I linked my left one with Ade's and we headed backstage.   


I finished performing and hit the dancefloor with all the girls. I danced with the guys of The English Hearts who seemed to always be around Ade and the girls. Marnee and I got drunk and had a blast. We took thousands of pictures with everyone so we could upload them on Facebook.

Marnee was happy because she got Ryan McKyenna's (lead singer of The English Hearts) number. Plus the numbers of the girls of The Killer Beez

Saying our goodbyes, we called a cab and headed back to my apartement. We stayed up watching The Little Mermaid then passed out  on the couch. 

Tonight was a lot of fun, was my last thought before passing out.

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