Chapter One: Should Have Taken a Detour

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Your last name
(Y/h) = Your height
(H/c) = Hair color
(H/l) = Hair length
(E/c) = Eye color
(Y/a) = Your age
(S/c) = Skin color
(F/c) = Favorite color
(N/n) = Nickname

I know that's a lot of things to remember for the key, but you can always refer back to it!

Your friend's name has already been picked out for you, I'm sorry! And yes, she is a vital person to the plot. (Sorry if she has the same name as you. You can change it in your mind if she does). This is a Female Reader because that's what I'm most comfortable with, I'm sorry again! This will be in first person, you are a senior in high school, and you are starting off in the real world.

This is based off of a dream I had a couple nights ago (May 14th, 2018) and as a warning, my mind is filled with weird stuff. But I managed to make it into a story! This is also my first x Reader so...I apologize for the cringe and everything that's about to happen.


With that said, enjoy!


(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

With one hand propping my head up on the desk, I continue to doodle in my notebook. I don't even know what I'm drawing, but it doesn't matter because the bell finally rings. I close my notebook and stuff it in my (f/c) backpack, running out of the school building.

The perks to being a Senior in high school while being at the end of the year, is that I barely get any homework. Hopping into my silver car, I start the engine and turn up the radio. But before I can put the car in drive, my phone rings.

"Yo, Mom. What's up?" My phone is hooked up to the Bluetooth in my car so I can use the hands-free system.

"(N/n), where are you?" I put on my sunglasses as my mom asks her question.

"School parking lot. I didn't leave yet."

"Perfect! Could you get a present for your little cousin's birthday at the mall? I'll pay you back when you get home!" Of course my mom would forget to buy my cousin a present. She'll probably have me wrap it too.

Though, being the amazing daughter that I am, I agree to get my cousin a present from the mall. I slowly make my way out of the parking lot and drive to the nearby indoor mall.

Now, the structure of this mall is not exactly circular. The food court is in the middle and the stores branch off into three paths, making a 'Y' shape. The theater is the only thing that is on the second floor, and it can be accessed by the escalators next to the food court.

I enter the massive building through the store Forever 21. I decide to go to GameStop to buy a video game for the Switch as the present for my cousin. The gaming store isn't that crowded. There's only a few people walking around. I find the game I was looking for almost immediately and plop it on the counter in front of the cashier.

"Alright, Mario Odyssey?!" The cashier asks, showing off his flamboyant personality.

"You got that right." I pull the money out of my wallet and wait for the man to finish typing stuff on his computer.

"That'll be $64.34." I hand him three twenties and a five, he gives me my change back before bagging the game. "I like the shirt by the way."

I look down at my shirt. Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet shows off all six of the desired Infinity Stones from the Marvel franchise. The names of the Stones are labeled on the sides of the gauntlet, three on each side.

Infinity War x Modern! Reader ~ The Infinity Stones' ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now