Epilogue: What If...?

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Here is the LAST chapter! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I am not continuing this into the What If...? series, it's just something for your imagination to think of when you watch that show! I hope everyone has a happy holiday/Merry Christmas, now here is my present to you all!


The Avengers keep around Tony's house all dressed in nice black clothing. Everyone takes drinks and little snacks from the table under the tent outside, sharing stories about (Y/n) and the many adventures she persisted on between the two wars of the Stones. She was truly amazing to wield such power, yet so fixated on helping the heroes in any way she could. She saved a life, Tony's life, because of how much love she held for each hero.

Hazel sits on the edge of the lake, staring out into the sky. They honored (Y/n) by taking the Infinity Stones out of the red gauntlet and floating the glove down the lake. It is her symbol, after all. The fake Eye of Agamotto necklace was tied to the gauntlet as well to reference that she was from another world, a world where the Avengers were just movies she watched.

The Guardians of the Galaxy and all of the Avengers watched as the glove and necklace floated down the water. Even Nick Fury himself, although he never knew (Y/n), attended the funeral.

"Goodness, what a world, huh? If you were to tell me ten years ago that we would be getting these superhero movies, and later in life I would become part of them? I would have told you that you were crazy." A hologram recording of (Y/n) said to everyone as the gauntlet sank to the bottom of the lake. "Tony told me to record myself in case this time heist thing failed, but I have a feeling things will turn out. They always do! Thanks guys, for everything."

The recording stopped after that comment. Hazel closes her eyes softly, letting the wind blow back her blonde hair as she remembers the events of the funeral. After a few long moments, a hand lands on her shoulder and she looks up to see Star Lord. Hazel attempts to smile and says, "Hey. You leaving yet?"

"Yeah, actually. Thor decided to tag along. I was going to ask if you wanted to as well. We could use some more team members," Star Lord offers, helping Hazel stand up.

"I'd love to, but..." Hazel looks over Star Lord's shoulder and sees Bruce working on a quantum time machine. "I have something I need to do first."

Quill looks behind him and nods his dad, squinting his eyes in a funny way. "Oh, of course. I'll just wait until you get back, yeah?"

Hazel shows a soft smile and nods, and both of them walk up to the tunnel. Bruce pushes a few more buttons and it comes to life. Steve stands there as well, making sure all of the Infinity Stones are in the case before he closes it. Bruce reminds him, "Remember, you have to make sure each Stone goes back to its original time or we will open up a bunch of ruined timelines."

"Don't worry, Bruce. Clipped all the branches," Steve reassures the green man and picks up the hammer, standing on the Quantum Tunnel.

Hazel speaks up before anything can happen, "I'm sorry, Captain, but this is where I come in. It needs to be me."

Looking a bit heart broken, Steve understands. He thinks she must want to see (Y/n) one last item before she heads off with the Guardians. A bit reluctantly, Steve puts the hammer on the machine and gives Hazel the case. "You know where to go?"

"Positive." Hazel nods and steps into the machine. Star Lord and Captain America watch as Bruce sturns it on, Hazel vanishing with the Stones and hammer.

"And returning in five, four, three, two-" Bruce counts down and twists the knob on the machine. Lights flash and in an instant, a woman stands there. Except it isn't Hazel.

Steve has trouble forming words as he stares at Natasha, not in her soul form but alive. Actually alive. Star Lord becomes confused and a bit angry. "Where is she?!"

"She..." Natasha starts to speak, but steps off the Quantum Tunnel and explains, "She appeared on the planet Vormir where we were supposed to get the Soul Stone. Hazel had the Stone already, but she gave it back to the red faced man. Then, she... sacrificed herself to save me. I was transported back instead."

"Hazel took your place," Steve says once he realizes what happened. "(Y/n) saved Tony, and Hazel saved you."

The Avengers will never forget the two girls who came from a different world to save their lives, sacrificing themselves. However, they may realize that it is not quite over for them. Even Stephen Strange didn't see this part coming.

In the Soul World, Hazel sees (Y/n) again. They both tear up and hug each other tightly, their bodies glowing orange. (Y/n) pulls back and says, "Hazel, I can't believe it! I have so much to show you."

"Really?" Hazel becomes intrigued and follows her best friend as she leads the way. "You have to tell me everything that's happened while I was dusted!"

"All in due time," (Y/n) chuckles at her friend's enthusiasm. She waves her hand and a door appears from the water on the ground. "But first, I must explain my duty as the Watcher."

"The Watcher?" Hazel asks, now confused.

(Y/n) nods and opens the door. "I am the guide through these different realities. I protect the heroes and watch over them in all timelines. Maybe even give them advice, who knows?"

Hazel starts to put it together, but still doesn't completely get it. "But the Watcher isn't in the MCU, are they?"

"Who's to say?" (Y/n) shrugs, but then walks through the door of the new reality. "All I am is a guide so the audience can ponder the question, What If...?"

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