Love Story

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"I have an identical twin sister, wanna see a picture?" Adam asks, plucking his flip phone out of his pocket. Both Brielle and Emmy look in awe at the prehistoric fossil, but Adam doesn't notice as he clicks a button to search through his pictures.

Brielle clears her throat, instead glancing around at the people waiting in line for their lunch. "Not really." She mumbles and Adam glances up from his phone with a surprisingly hurt expression. "I can already guarantee that she's hotter than you."

He looks confused at her comment for a second before it registers in his mind. Yikes, this isn't going to turn out well. "Oh, are you a fag--"

Eleanor smacks him on the shoulder, "Adam, stop being such a right-wing bozo." 

He stares at her incredulously for a second.  Then stumbles over an apology. It's like his indoctrination is fighting with his crush on this girl, both simultaneously winning and losing. He looks at me, confused.

I shrug my shoulders, too busy watching Brielle hide a proud smile at being called a Faggot. Bisexuals are weird. They're okay with being called the old derogatory terms like Faggot or Dyke, but if you call them a Hetero they get offended. I think it's because of sexuality erasure or something. As if calling them straight is implying that what they're feeling is a phase but if you call them a derogatory slur, they know that you've acknowledged their sexuality. Even if it is the incorrect sexuality.

"Okay, you got to drop a slur. Begone, hetero." I sigh, finally looking at my younger brother who has his eyes narrowed as he looks between Brielle and me, "We should be thanking you anyway. Every time the f-word is used, a fag is accepted into the sacred faghood." Brielle laughs sarcastically, and I shove a strawberry into my mouth.

Eleanor giggles, "Amen." Adam blushes at her.

"Fags unite!" Brielle stands from her seat and I groan once I realize this is another one of her lunch time escapades. I hide my face in my hands. "Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Homophobia's got to go! Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Homophobia's got to go!" I hear Graham join in on her antics and I take my face out of my hands to glare at Brielle for starting this once again.

She ignores me which is no surprise. Danny and Lauren both stand up and join in on the chant, and I internalize a gag. God, is there ever an end to their pride?

"You might as well join in, Julie. You are in the community, too." Brielle laughs, and I can already feel the people around us staring holes into my head. Instead of me getting up from my seat, Emmy stands from hers and stands on the bench. I narrow my eyes at her as well.

What the fuck has she got to do with this?

I look around at the people frowning at us from other tables before I join along in the chant. "We're all a part of the Fag Community," She shouts at our peers with a scowl, "We're here and we're queer; get used to it!" I look around the cafeteria one last time and spot Graham and Eve standing up and chanting as well.

God, this is one of those situations that I'll stay up late thinking about and cringe, wishing I'd never been born. She sits back down as do the rest of the idiots. After only a few seconds, they all move on with different conversations as if they didn't just make fools of themselves in front of the whole school. 

After only a few minutes of sitting awkwardly and cringing about the events that have just happened and all the things they've said, the bell thankfully rings. I stand up and grab Brielle's arm. We walk side by side outside of the cafeteria.

"Thank God that's over." I sigh to Brielle as we make our way to our shared gym class. "You guys are never doing that ever again." She shakes her head with a laugh.

Deviation (Book #2 of the Taylor Series)Where stories live. Discover now