Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

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The show arrived a lot faster than I'd wanted it to. I could practice my lines repeatedly and still not say one word right or have the emphasis wrong on one word or not be in the right position on stage. My singing was alright though, but that's to be expected. I'm actually good at singing. I've been in church choir since I was six, so I'm kind of an expert.

I adjust my costume and run my hands over some of the folds, trying to smooth them out. Gemma finishes up the last touches of makeup which thankfully stays the same, aside from this horrendous blonde wig I have to wear, and she moves on to her own makeup. I would say that we're running low on time, but thankfully, Ms. Celeste is one of those people that has to make a twenty-minute long speech before anything and everything she does.

I hear her in front of the curtain, asking for the audience to quiet it down because she has a few words to say. Gemma and I snort, before she whispers, "At least they've all got chairs to sit in if they get tired."

I laugh and nod, agreeing with her statement. Unfortunately, we don't have chairs. We have to act for the next hour and a half. Some of us have to sing and dance as well. Me. I'm one of those people. Not to mention, I also have to focus on using the most realistic Victorian era English accent in the world. That's not going to happen though.

Of course I'm one of the only people stressing out about it. The others have already said that they're just going to use their regular accents. I'm not a loser or a quitter, so I'm giving it my all.

I breathe in and out of my nose, trying to calm myself down. Once I feel my heart pumping at a normal speed, I start jumping up and down and shimmying my arms and legs. It's the only way I know how to get into the zone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd hate to keep you waiting any longer, so let's get this show on the road. Snacks and refreshments are in the room in which you bought your ticket. Please hold your applause until the end of every scene." Ms. Celeste says into the speaker, and then she shouts, "FROM TIMPANAGOES CHORUS AND THEATRE, INTRODUCING: SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET!" The audience applauds politely even though I'm sure they're wondering why on earth this teacher is tripping acid.

Ms. Celeste walks back behind the curtain and Isaac and Marcus, A.K.A. Sweeney Todd and Antoine, walk to their places on stage.

"You girls ready?" She asks, and I shrug my shoulders.

"I hope so." I mutter the same time Gemma sighs and shakes her head.

I feel for her. She has the longest night out of all of us. Not only does she have to change her makeup at least five times throughout this production, but she also has to touch-up anybody else's; not to mention she has to act and sing. Poor girl. I think she bit off more than she could chew for the second musical.

"It's alright, no need to worry. We've rehearsed this day in and day out. You girls are going to do amazing." Ms. Celeste spots some extras not in costume and rushes over to them, leaving us to ourselves.

"I have to go out there in a minute." She mutters, shaking her head.

"You'll do great. Mainly because you don't have any lines and it's kind of impossible to mess up being silent. Unless you get the hiccups." Her eyes widen, and I chuckle. "Which is also unlikely. All you have to do is stand there and look pretty."

She nods. It only takes a few minutes for Sweeney Todd to sing about his long-lost lover, and Gemma has to dart in front of the curtain for the flashback scene.

I sigh. It'll be me up there soon. In front of the audience. Singing, acting, speaking... Ugh. I want to go home and sleep. I don't want to do this anymore. I wish we were doing a production that is more up my alley, like The Wizard of Oz or Rent.

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