The Graduate

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Just as a banger plays over the speakers, I return to Brielle and hand her one of the cups containing a mysterious liquid that Smelly Dave gave me from the kitchen. We both lean against the wall, watching the girls grinding on the men they're dancing with, and we take sips of the disgusting liquid. Beer. The foulest drink in the entire world.

"Welp," I smile at Brielle who looks just about as flustered as her dark complexion will allow her to, "You and I are going to have one hell of a time." I sigh over the music, and she doesn't seem to be listening or to even care.

I spot Emmy trudging towards us, pushing through the crowd, clearly drunk off her ass. She stops in front of us and I can't help but notice that her eyes are unfocused, and she seems dazed. Great. I guess I'm walking home.

"Listen, listen," She burps, and her eyes widen in surprise, "God, I am so revol-- revoul-- ravoul-- disgusting." She groans, and Brielle shakes her head sympathetically.

"No, I wouldn't say 'disgusting'-"

"I would." I snort, taking a sip of the revol-- revoul-- ravoul-- disgusting drink, just as Brielle elbows me in the rib. I raise my eyebrows at her and she glares at me.

"You're just a tad tipsy--" I snort, but she continues, "You'll be back to your high maintenance self in no time." I look around at the other partygoers, scoping out a girl who is half as sexy as me to dance with, but I don't find one. It's part of the curse of being this hot.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go find someone who isn't a bully." She grumbles in response. Emmy walks away from us, more interested in dancing. Brielle sighs as she turns to face me with a prominent frown. I raise an eyebrow at her questioningly, and when she sighs, I smirk at her annoyance.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" She grumbles, and I nod, biting my lip.

"Oh, I know. I'm a goddamn masterpiece, but it is nice to hear you say it, babe." She rolls her eyes and adjusts the length of her black bouffant dress.

Her voice plays in my head, but I don't pay attention as I admire her body. She's adorned it with body shimmer that glows and sparkles under the black lights. My eyes trail up her body back to her eyes as I try to tune in to what she's saying, but I can't help zoning out again as her flawless makeup and hair grab my attention.

It's weird seeing how nicely a girl like Brielle can look. Not that she doesn't look nice at school, but it's obvious when she tries to look good. Rather than wearing sweatpants and a Ravenclaw hoodie like she usually does. I'm a Slytherin, myself, so it's not like I get too annoyed at her House attire. It'd be different if she was a Gryffindor, because DUH.

"Julie, you stupid cunt," Brielle falls slack against the wall, grabs both our drinks and puts them down on the ground, and my eyes snap back to her face as she grabs my attention, "I asked if you wanted to dance." She repeats herself, an obvious blush arising on her cheeks.

I scoff at the question and turn back to the dance floor. The dense group of Seniors flirting with innocent Freshmen and girls grinding on guys sends a shiver down my spine and I must fight the urge to gag at the heteros.

"I'd literally rather di--" Before I can finish my sentence, she grasps my wrist and drags me to the center of the sweaty mass of hormonal teens. "Was my answer no? I'm pretty sure it was." She laughs and pulls me closer to her by my waist.

"You know... I've heard it doesn't take much to make the straights uncomfortable. All we have to do is act as sexual as they do out in public and they'll ring that Jesus bell faster than it takes their men to cum--which, if you haven't heard, is pretty damn fast." She murmurs, and I chuckle.

Deviation (Book #2 of the Taylor Series)Where stories live. Discover now