Harold and Maude

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A light tapping sounds on Eve's door, but I don't bother to look at the door or get up and open it. Instead, I look out the window at the greenery growing up the window and the trees towering so tall, I wouldn't be able to see the tips unless I squinted. Eve clears her throat and wraps another section of hair around her curling iron.

"Come in." Her voice comes out croaky because she's practiced her speech so many times that it's rubbed her throat raw.

Lauren stalks in with a bright smile and her short hair pulled into a messy ponytail. Blake follows her in and shuts the door behind him. I feel them both glance at me before their attention is brought back to Eve, AKA: Valedictorian of the Class of 2018. Lauren 'oooh's and 'awwww's at Eve's shimmering, gold dress. Blake doesn't do or say anything other than sit on the edge of Eve's bed, right at my feet, and stare at Eve in the mirror.

"What do you think?" She asks. Before either of them responds, she spins around a few times slowly.

"You look so pretty. I think I'm genuinely about to cry." Lauren smiles brightly and pretends to wipe a tear. Blake nods, but doesn't say anything. A smile forms slowly on his face, but then he shakes it off and interlocks his fingers.

"Can I hear your speech?"

"Nope." She pops the 'p' and he raises an eyebrow. "You'll hear it when the rest of the audience does."

"But... I always hear it before everybody else. I'm always the first." He pouts. Blake Davidson actually pouts. I've never seen such a thing, but I don't bother focusing on it.

My eyes flick to my face in the mirror on Eve's wall. Dark circles under my eyes, puffy eye bags, chapped lips, and a tired look whether I smile or not. That's going to look great in pictures. Can't wait for my grandchildren to ask me why I looked so ugly in my youth.

"Not today, babe. Today it's going to be special. I'm going to keep everyone on their toes." She smiles down at him. He nods slowly.

Quiet drifts into Eve's room, but we all welcome it with open arms. Then, of course, Eve looks at me with a raised eyebrow and worried eyes. It's the same look she's been giving me for the past few days. Ever since Prom, she's been quieter and less-opinionated; as if she's afraid she's going to hurt my feelings more than they've already been hurt.

"You sure you want to come?" She asks. I nod and stretch my body along her bed before I sit up like the rest of them. I smooth the ruffles and folds along my tuxedo and straighten my tie. Lauren and Blake both check out my outfit with raised eyebrows.

"I don't have any other dresses." I explain. 

That's a lie. I didn't feel like wearing a dress. I decided that the tuxedo I wore as Tobias in Sweeney Todd looked way better on me than that stupid dress did. It doesn't fit right and it's black. Something that Max would wear to his wedding because he doesn't know shit about tuxes.

Just the very thought of him makes me sick, but I tune out my thoughts. I try to focus on Eve and her special day. She's Valedictorian. That's an honor. For the first time, an atheist was chosen as Valedictorian at Timpanagoes High School. She's made history. This will be all over the newspapers, and if it's not, it should be.

"You look good." Lauren smiles, but I roll my eyes. I look like shit. I haven't brushed my hair in a few days, and I only just brushed my teeth for the first time since Prom because Eve wouldn't stop hounding my ass about gingivitis. Who have I got to impress anymore? Nobody. Not a damn person.

"Yeah. You look great." Blake backs her up with a small smile. I nod slowly and turn my glance to Eve, who happens to genuinely look stunning in her dress. She's decided to wear wedges this time which was a good choice considering there's going to be a lot of standing, celebrating, and walking today. Also, a lot of pictures.

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