hell begins

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While I was walking through the mud, my body started to peel off, piece by piece drooping on the floor

As chunks of me fall away all that is left is a worm, with pieces of what I once was hanging off.

The worm was tiny, but slowly it grew, bigger and bigger until it was the size of the hills in the background of the countryside.

It can control its size with will, on call and as it needs to, slipping itself into people's spaghetti, then devouring their insides.

My grandma once told me, don't eat pasta

But my grandma's dead now, so she doesn't matter

People in the town heard the story of me getting killed by a "pasta worm". It was like a zombie apocalypse, but WORMS!

The pasta worm eventually left my body to find a new host. As the host was sleeping, it wriggled and squirmed into his ear and to the brain

Once it had wriggled into the brain, it set to work, reworking the brain to be controlled by the worm, to once again take over a human, hoping to take over the world.

People were scared of the 'pasta worm' and started to flee from the countryside, burning their pasta to the ground

The burned pasta spread across the sky in ashes and smoke.

They managed to seep into people's consciousness, one by one, through means unimaginable; burning people's insides, through the no-no region

I cried in pain, I was giving birth, even though I'm a male (Tom the pregnant new character)

I felt it squirm out, brushing past my legs and out onto the ground

Tom died because he was too weak. The child was a Hybrid of Human and Pasta Worm. It or he wiggled to the town to find it's feast. Little did you know Tome was still alive...

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