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Years passed, and the world grew more and more chaotic. Throughout those years, Tom found himself a new heir and a young girl named Blake would lead a revolution to rise against the new heir.

Tom thought that he was whole again, even though he was missing an eye and he liked pineapples on pizza, a part of him felt whole, while the other was lost, mad and scarred by the worms.

Too many years had been spent on living like this, questioning each and everyone one of his psychotic thoughts. He heard Laurel instead of Yanny for god's sake. Everyone was now a pasta worm, no one escaped...

Apart from the almighty army of ducks. These ducks have been practising all forms of combat since the year 1800 and were well up to the challenge of saving the world.

The ducks were heroes, but they could not do it alone. They needed cooperation from the whole human race.

Little did they know, a superior race has been planning an attack on everyone and everything. They were the lasagna.

The lasagna's defences were extremely strong compared to anyone else's

The Lasagna or "the ducks", The leader of this team is Donald duck, the duck who built the wall to protect their kinds and stopped the infection of worms. They lived in a beautiful world, they had ponds and lakes that are clean and trees that are green. Over the walls or the outside world was a complete mess!

Unfortunately, Donald duck was assassinated by one of the lasagna's shadow forces and "ducks" were in chaos

Donald duck's body lay there dead surrounded by lasagna sheets, as the worms once again, ate everything, including the lasagna

These two clans were the only ones not infected by the worms... Something had to be done

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