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Although it seemed as though all hope was lost for Tom, the Pasta Worm left enough life in him to resurrect Tom into a half-Pasta worm

Tom was now left as a poor mutant, alone, he had no life left, all he was was a pasta worm, with a child that would soon abandon him.

Tom felt that there was no hope for him... everyone hated him... except for Sheniqua. Sheniqua saw something in him, other than a half pasta worm, she saw her love.

The love between Tom and Sheniqua escalated, like an elevator on rockets. It was not long until, you know, that.

They thought they were safe, together, but he turned on her, it was too much for him and the worms were passed along through, you know, that.

Days or something passed and the disease was now in the rain, whoever touched the rain turned into mutant pasta worms, but Tom was the cure,

To receive the cure, you have to i n g e s t his blood that comes out of a small prick on his left knee only

The truth was that Tom's blood wasn't actually the cure...It was only a rumour. It was his Daymap! If anyone saw him checking daymap, they will turn back into 100% human form!

But, Tom wouldn't let anyone look at his Daymap. He was selfish, greedy and arrogant. Through Daymap, he rose to become the King of Pasta Worms.

Toms greediness left everyone lost, stuck as worm mutants, more people drank his blood hoping to be cured, but no one was

Sheniqua was shocked by toms greediness so devised a plan to kill tom while he was on daymap so everyone could be cured and the pasta worms would be no more.

Tom found out about this plan and devised a way to kill Sheniqua first.

Sheniqua planned to get a massive cup, drop it from the sky and trap Tom, therefore suffocating him and, when the cup is removed, the dead-tom-daymap-air will be released to the world.

Sheniqua went on and cheated on Tom and went to Kmart for the supplies to kill Tom.

As this was quite ambitious to do as one person, she asked for help from citizens

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