chapter 1

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Annie's POV:
[Maryland, March 2017]
Annie: Mom! There's a new show that is going to be in LA called Chicken Girls. The role that I want to audition for is, Rhyme.
Mom: Who said you're going to audition?
Annie: well you always said that I should live my dream and acting has always been my dream.
Mom: I'm just kidding, did you really think that I wouldn't support you.
Dad: Oh hun, we already got you a ticket to Los Angeles so get ready for your audition.
Hayley: Aw I want to act too...
Dad: Well try to get you an audition too okay.
Hayley: Okay !
Annie: Let's go to LOS ANGELES!!!
[2 weeks later]
Annie: I can't believe today's the day.. I am actually going to audition for a real show.
Mom: You've been ready for this since you started acting.
[we got off the plane to Los Angeles]
Annie: OMG !! WE MADE IT! I'm so excited and this role is perfect for me. They are asking for a sweet, kind girl has dancing experience. A pretty girl with a sibling and knows how to handle circumstances. IT'S PERFECT!
Hayley: You do know that there is a love interest for the character Rhyme right?
Annie: Oh yeah.. I just hope he is cute and not a snobby rich guys who thinks that he is so good looking because I'm sick of those.
Hayley: Good luck finding one in LA just kidding love you Annie.
Annie: I'm sick of love anyway.
Hayley: Sorry I'm just getting ready for my character.

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