Hayden's POV:
[I ran to Kenzie's house not thinking about the scene I had coming up next]
Hayden: Kenzie ! Open up !
Maddie: Hayden ? What are you doing here ?
Hayden: I'm so so sorry Maddie... I thought Kenzie would be home.
Maddie: She's at Johnny's house.
Hayden: Who's Johnny ?
Maddie: Her best friend in the whole world.
Hayden: Okay exactly where is Johnny's house.
Maddie: Go straight hen turn left then turn right, then you're there.
Hayden: Okay thank you so much !
Maddie: You're welcome.
[I decided to be more polite when confronting Kenzie because she was with her friends]
*knock knock*
Lauren: Who are you ?
Hayden: I'm Hayden Summerall.
Lauren: Oh the guy in Kenzies photo.
Hayden: Yup..... that's me..
Lauren: Kenzie !!!
Kenzie: What ?
Lauren: Someone's here.
Kenzie: Who ? [walks closer]
Hayden: Kenzie, can I talk to you in private ?
Kenzie: Fine.
Hayden: This isn't private, the door is still open wide.
Kenzie: You wanted to talk remember.
Hayden: Fine whatever.
[ The Johnny guy seemed uneasy in the back as he was just watching Kenzie and I talk]
Hayden: Why did you post that picture ?
Kenzie: What's the problem ?
Hayden: We're not together remember.
[As I was watching Johnny, he started looking relieved and a bit of a smile took over his face]
Kenzie: Yeah we are dating.
Hayden: No we're not.
Kenzie: Yeah we are !
Hayden: Fine, I am formally breaking up with you. It's not you, it's me. My schedules too hectic and us as a couple isn't working out. No hard feelings, but I think that this is best for us and I know some guy will love you in a way that I didn't.
[Johnny's face lit up as I said that]
Kenzie: Ok fine. [she slammed the door in my face and right after, I ran right back to set]
Annie's POV:
Speakerphone: Calling Hayden Summerall to Set. I repeat Hayden Summerall to Set.
Annie: Hayden pick up the damn phone !
Carson: Hayden bro, text back.
Speakerphone: Hayden Summerall to Set!
[Just when he said that, I got shoved]
Hayden: *on ground tired* IM HERE ! *throws hands up*
Annie: *i take out my hand and lift him up.
Hayden: Hayden Summerall is here! We can start shooting now !
Annie: You idiot. *i slap his arm* Everyone was worried sick about you.
Hayden: Or we're you worried sick? *he tickles me*
Annie: HaYdEn sToP ! *i continue laughing*
Hayden: Okay fine. Let's go to set ! *i let out my hand*
Annie: Okay. *i get his hand*
[We were filming Season 1, Episode 1]
Hayden's POV:
[We were shooting this scene where me and Annie are on our way to school and I was supposed to be taking pictures of her]
Hayden: *thinks* For some weird reason when we were shooting that scene, I actually felt like I liked her, the way her face glowed in the sun and how she flipped her hair when the wind blown and as I was taking pictures, I felt I actually had known her all my life
Annie: Hayden, Hayden hello ? *shoves me which pulls me back from my thoughts*
Hayden: Whats happening?
Annie: Were shooting a scene remember ?
Hayden: Oh yeah, of of course !
[We go back to shooting the scene]

unrequited love | hannie
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] - established : May 20, 2018 finished : December 31, 2018 - what if hannie got the happily ever after they deserved? what if they hated each other in the beginning but in the end became endgame??