[skip to Annie being at 6S Entertainment]
Mr. Jimmy: Welcome back! Hope you all had a good night sleep because today's activity, I will pair you up with someone and you have to mingle in the dressing rooms.
Mr Jimmy. Okay so here goes.
Annie and Hayden in dressing room A
Indiana and Jeremiah in dressing room B
Greg and Ellie in dressing room C
Carson, Caden, and Rush in dressing room D
Jenna and Aliyah in dressing room E
Mads, Dylan, and Riley in dressing room FAnnie's POV:
Annie: I'm guessing he paired us because we are going to be love interests in the show.
Hayden: Maybe more than the show. *winks*
Annie: Not in my dreams.
Hayden: Fine then.
Annie: What's your favorite show?
Hayden: Keys starring Dylan and Hayden Summerall
Annie: Ok then. Mines uhh Riverdale.
Hayden: What's your favorite food?
Annie: My mom's handmade spaghetti.
Hayden: That's cute, mines Le Tarté Patisserie on Rodeo Drive's Alfredo pasta.
Annie: Ok I guess.... isn't that a little expensive for a favorite food.
Hayden: I don't go there that much the food is okay, but one day when we do this mingling thing again, I should treat you there.
Annie: I don't know, I like more traditional and cheap foods.
Hayden: Its okay, it's on me.
Annie: No it's ok, where were we, um whats your favorite book?
Hayden: I don't read, I watch movies, but my favorite book series is the Percy Jackson series.
Annie: Wow something normal.
Hayden: I have his first one signed, you can have it if you want.
Annie: Back to snobby jerk, Well I hope you had fun because I certainly did not, good bye.
I'm sorry that I am leaving, but I cannot stand you and too think that we are going to be love interests, ughh. *storms out*
Hayden's POV:
Hayden: *sticks hand out* ok bye.
[i just went to Carson, Caden, and Rush's room because I didn't know what else to do with myself]
Annie's POV:
[I stormed away to Riley, Mads, and Dylan's room]
Annie: Hey guys.
Dylan: What are you doing here?
Annie: I need to rant.
Riley: Proceed.
Annie: I CANNOT STAND HAYDEN! He thinks that just because he is rich that he is better than everyone else. Let me tell you that I really, really tried to have a conversation with him, but NOOooo he has to talk about himself once again. There is not an end to that boy.
Mads: Well you do know that you guys are love interests right.
Annie: Ughh how can I make myself fall in love with a boy who I really dislike?
Dylan: You never know some things happen that will change how you feel about him...
Annie: Hopefully..

unrequited love | hannie
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] - established : May 20, 2018 finished : December 31, 2018 - what if hannie got the happily ever after they deserved? what if they hated each other in the beginning but in the end became endgame??