chapter 30

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Hey guys !! Hope ur having a great 2019 and I just wanted to say thank you for reading this book that has changed my life and just coming along on this journey with me.

ily <3


Hayden's POV:
[ The Next Day ]
Today was Annie's last day in California and to be honest, I'm really not ready.

Carson: Okay bro, seriously you don't need to try hard on your outfit.

Hayden: Is today a school day ?? Lazy day ??

Rush: No.

Hayden: EXACTLY!? Today is Annie's last day and I want to send her off wearing something nice.

Carson: Whatever floats your boat, I guess...

Rush: *whispers* Issues.

Carson: *whispers* You got that right.

We arrived at the set and when we all finished our last scene, we had our cast party.

Carson: BROOO! This party's so lit. *jams out*

Hayden: Um hey Riley.... can I ask you a question ??

Riley: Yeah Hayden.

Hayden: Uhh where's Annie ?? She said that her last experience in California will be this cast party.

Riley: Well uh you know.... she uhh ..... Hey Indi, want to help me out here.

Indiana: What's up?

Riley: Hayden wants to know where Annie went.

Indiana: Umm well, you see...... Mads come here !!

Mads: Yes.

Indiana: Tell Hayden where Annie is.

Mads: So little bro, Annie's flight got moved up 6 hours earlier because the weather won't be good if she left at 6 pm.

Hayden: She left without saying goodbye.

Mads: Don't you think about leaving. Annie needs her space right now.

Hayden: I have to... I know that I will regret everything if I just stay here.

Indiana: You're not going to get there in time... might as well just stay here.

Hayden: I can't be here right now having the time of my life, while she's going to be 2,321 miles away from me tomorrow.

Carson: I guess if she really means that much to you, then go.

Hayden: Thanks man, you're the best. *starts running off*

Riley: Wait! You don't even know which airline she's going on.

Hayden: Dang. What is it?

Riley: She's going on Southwest Airlines, Gate 17 and she's boarding at 12:30 pm.

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