chapter 15

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Annie's POV:
'I honestly don't know what happened with me, I literally hated Hayden now I'm fine with him.'

[On the way to the table read, I just kept thinking about that picture of Hayden and the other girl, Kenzie.]

(I arrived to the table read and we went through 3 more scripts)

Hayden: Hey Annie, you wanna get some coffee after this?

Annie: Oh sure. *someone jumped onto my back*

Jayden: Hey Annie!

Annie: JAYDEN!!!! [i hugged her then hugged Connor too]

Jayden: So whatcha doing?

Annie: Hayden and I are gonna get some coffee, wanna come?

Jayden: Heck yeah I do!

Hayden's POV:
[ I fake smile my way through their conversation, too be honest, I wanted to just have it Annie and I cause I want to have some time with her without Caden interrupting]

Hayden: Sup bro.

Connor: What up man!

Hayden: So coffee, that's fun...

Connor: Yup..

[We finally left to Starbucks]

[Annie talked with Jayden until...]

Hayden: Dylan? Why are you here?

Dylan: I just wanted Starbucks.

Hayden: Hey Devenity. [hug]

Devenity: So whats happening here? *points at Connor and Jayden*

Hayden: I uhh made some new friends.

[At this moment, everything was going to change]

Annie and Kenzie: Hey Hayden.

(Kenzie just came into Starbucks and Annie was in the restroom and they saw each other on the opposite side)

Kenzie: Who is this Hayden?

Annie: You're Kenzie??

Hayden: Hey uhh Kenz, this is Annie, my costar on Chicken Girls and uhh Annie, this is Kenz, the girl I'm kinda seeing.

Annie: You have a girlfriend *acts surprise*

Devenity: Girl you're kinda seeing? Uhh no this is your girlfriend.

Kenzie: Yeah Hayden, we're dating remember?

Hayden: Oh I mean were uhh on and off so I didn't know what we are at the moment...

Annie: Hayden... You look like you're having a fun time and I don't want to mess that up so I'll leave....

Hayden: No Annie, stay.. [I was about to run to Annie but Kenzie pulled me back]

Kenzie: We haven't hung out in a while HayHay. [kissed my cheek]

[I had to stay with her the rest of the day]

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