Chapter 9

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"I ne-ed to know wh-y."

"The less you know the longer your life will be." He had already said too much as it was.

"The-n te-ach me...wh-at you tried to do wi-th Harry." Hermione put her hand on her chest trying to calm her nerves so she could breathe properly.

"There isn't enough time." Snape sneered watching her struggle. She was more worked up than he was. They were never going to get anything done at this rate. "It takes years to become an accomplished occlumens. It would be inconceivable to believe you could learn how to block the Dark Lord in a mere few hours."

"Inst-ead of tell-ing me what I can't do. Wh-y do-n't you t-ell me wh-at I can!" Hermione's temper was on full tilt. Why didn't he just tell her what she wanted to know? What she needed to know?

Snape reared on her with a deep hiss. He leaned down over her, pressing her shuddering frame back into the chair with his mere presence. His eyes piercing right into her soul. He was so close his nose nearly touched hers. His hands came down trapping her completely into the chair.

Hermione's eyes widened and her breath froze in her chest, he was so close! Too close. She could smell the pain potion on his breath and see dark flecks of gold in his otherwise deep obsidian eyes.

"In just a few hours, you will be brought before the Dark Lord. At which time he will ravage your mind and possibly tear every limb from your body in his search for the answers he seeks. You will be alone. There will be no one there to save you."

His voice was so quiet, so deadly. Hermione was sure that had he not been so close, she never would have heard him. Her mouth parted in an attempt to bring in air. Her heart racing nearly as fast as her mind. Her own mortality slapped her hard in the face and she found herself completely helpless. Truly, helpless.


"Treacherous bleeder." Ron picked up a rock and chucked it into the sea, "We saved his life and he won't even help us."

Harry sighed heavily and hung his head between his hands. "It's not his fault. I'd be scared too. Hell, I'm scared now."

"But the sword of Gryffindor? That's a bit much to ask just to open a door."

"It's Gringotts Ron. The most secure place in all of wizarding Britain. It's not like we can walk right in. We'll just have to think of something else." Harry let his hands fall from his head.

"Where else could a Horcrux be?" Ron threw another stone, he felt like they were getting nowhere fast.

"I don-" Harry was cut off when an elf popped in front of him. His eyes widened when he recognized the green pillowcase as the one from the room Hermione had been in. The elf took one look at him and promptly vanished. Leaving behind what it had carried to fall heavily into the sand.

"Is that...?"

Harry was so taken aback it took him a moment to register something heavy landing on his foot. Something heavy, and metal.

"The sword!" Harry quickly leaned forward picking it up by the hilt. He noticed the parchment around the blade and instantly started to pull away the twine holding it in place.

"There's a note."

"What's it say?"

"It's from Hermione."

"What?" Ron's voice squeaked and he nearly face planted in the sand trying to get to Harry.

Harry shifted to make room and they both held the paper with great care. Her handwriting was a bit shakey but Ron would recognize those curly 'a's when he saw them. She was the only one he knew that wrote their a's that way.

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