Chapter 13

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Snape laid awake unable to come to terms with the situation he'd found himself in. He was laying in bed, with a student. Though they were both well overdressed, the feeling of her body pressed tightly against his side had left his mind awash with the most self-depreciative thoughts.

He had tried to put space between them, even tried to trick her into holding onto a pillow. It hadn't ended well. He knew he could command her to release him. To turn away, to do anything he wished. Yet, something in the way she had asked him to stay, the tone of pure need, held his tongue. He didn't want to hurt her.

It was almost as though the shackle had been put around his neck. His acidic nature now had immediate physical consequences. What was worse, she hadn't tried to fight him. She had merely accepted the punishment of the brand as though it was to be expected. He feared what would happen if she truly tried to resist.

His eyes turned from the ornate ceiling above. He was so tired. The few hours rest he'd managed were simply not enough for his still healing body. Lying on his back hadn't done him any favors either. The coarse starch of his shirt made the sensitive flesh of his back burn with every small adjustment.

He usually slept shirtless when he'd experienced a lashing. The cool air of the room sating the singed flesh. There was no way he could do that now.

Not with Granger sharing his bed. The very idea sparked a mariad of thoughts he'd that had been well traveled. Her head was nestled at the junction of his shoulder, her hands under her chin. Her legs still tried to curl up, leaving one pressed right above his hip. It would tremble every so often, reminding him of what he'd done. The bone of her knee pressed in near the arch of his waist into a rather sensitive part of his skin.

He couldn't rest like this. It was intolerable at best. It had been so long since he'd shared a bed with anyone. He found that it was excessively smothering. It didn't help that he was still dressed. The layers of clothing only added to his already warm skin making him feel exceptionally disgusting. He needed a shower. He needed space.

He needed a shower, first and foremost. A long, cold, shower. Snape turned his head down looking at the mass of hair that had taken up the available space above her head, envious of her peaceful rest.

This couldn't go on. Snape carefully adjusted himself from beneath the girl who had turned his life upside down. She made a soft noise at the disturbance but fate seemed to be on his side when she merely rolled the other direction curling up into a small ball. It was the luck he needed. He let out the breath he'd held and pulled the blanket up around her, tucking it in around her back to make her feel as though there was someone there.

With a sideways glance, he slunk silently across the room and into the bathroom, not relaxing until the door shut behind him. What would the day bring? The vacation was quickly coming to a close and he knew most of the staff would be returning that day to prepare for their lessons. It wasn't uncommon for him to remain locked away in his tower but that didn't mean he wouldn't have visitors. A particular spartan woman, high on the probability list. How could he possibly look the woman in the eyes knowing that he was keeping prisoner one of her most illustrious students?


"Morning..." Harry groaned deeply filling the seat beside Ron. The redhead appeared to have gotten a rather large jump over him on breakfast. His plate already empty.

Ron didn't answer, rather he gave him a small grunt and stood up taking the mirror with him. He stomped his way into the living room leaving behind a rather confused Harry.

"What's with him?" Harry looked to Bill who was flipping some sausage in a pan.

"His teaspoon ran over." Bill glanced over his shoulder as Ron flopped down on the couch. Luna passed him without a word, having sensed the young man wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone.

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