Chapter 17

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Hermione had been trying to rest. Her head hadn't stopped pounding even after she'd eaten. She felt extremely satisfied with having left a mark on Snape, though. She hoped it would serve as a reminder to him. That even though she was caged, she was still willing to fight him.

Her resolve, however, was truly wearing thin. The rollercoaster of emotion she'd been riding felt completely out of her control. Her normally keen and logical mind felt as though a few bolts had been knocked loose. She hadn't truly felt right since she woke.

Part of her was missing. She didn't know what it was but she was determined to find out. The time lost was still grating on her senses. For someone as meticulous as she, it was hard to just push it aside. She'd felt better when she had been tasked with completing the spell. Forcing her mind to a task was more cathartic than sleeping.

She was sure she'd lost all privileges now. She had noticed the small addition to the room and it only made her feel more trapped. There was absolutely nowhere for her to go now. The walk between her room and the bathroom had been something to change the scenery but now she had nothing.

She needed to think, she needed to do something. Her arms wrapped tighter around her stomach. Her hand slipped under the white uniform shirt to run over the healed skin of her hip. Trying to unravel the man's true intentions had just left her frustrated.

One moment they were working together. The next moment she was his bloody slave. None of it made sense. She missed Harry and Ron dreadfully. She'd never realized how much she craved being needed. As much as she loathed being a walking library, at least it gave her purpose. At least she was helping someone.

Her mind came to a halt when the handle on the door turned. She pushed herself up into a seated position, her jaw going tight. The way he looked at her when he stepped into the room made her more concerned than afraid. She could almost hear him speaking inside her mind for her to stay still. When he stepped aside, her heart skidded to a halt and so did all logical thought.

Snape kept his surprise hidden; he'd felt her mind switch off. Her expression relaxing. It was that simple all along... Self-loathing filled his vacant mind space but he had to stay focused. The way Lucius was looking at her didn't sit right with him.

"It really is her..." Lucius was a bit awestruck. He hadn't believed Draco when he had told him that Snape's new pet had been the mudblood Bellatrix had tortured. He came closer, fascinated by the way she looked at him with almost child-like innocence. Didn't she recognize him?

Hermione turned her eyes away from the blond, seeking solace in the Professor. His face brought her little comfort but a small voice inside her head commanded her to stay. Her bottom lip trembled as the blond man came closer, her eyes flicking back to his curious expression.

"She's broken." Snape took a step forward. He felt danger filling the air but Lucius' mind was too messy to get an accurate read.

"Obviously..." Lucius felt an anger welling up inside him. His hand shot out faster than either Snape or Hermione could react. The back of it sending her down to the floor with the force of his blow. The stone of his ring leaving a deep gash along her cheek.

Snape grabbed his arm before he could strike her again. His eyes narrowing dangerously when Lucius spit on her.

"Filthy creature! You killed my servants!"

"I think that's enough, Lucius." Snape felt the girl crawl around his leg. Her shaking form taking hold of the trousers. "You can have your revenge on another. This one is spoken for."

Lucius pulled his arm free, leveling himself eye to eye with the ebony haired wizard, "I don't see her mark."

Snape narrowed his eyes and reached down. He pushed her hair that she had released from its braid behind her shoulder and lifted her chin, exposing the side of her neck like some sort of show dog. His will alone made the large S appear and he watched Lucius back off slightly.

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