Chapter 23

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When Snape had finally returned Hermione had fallen into a proper restful sleep. A quick diagnostic spell revealed that her epinephrine level had come down dramatically. Her head was leaned against the wing of the chair and the nutrient drip had run out. Her B12 levels were still low but proper meals would set them right again.

She looked peaceful. Snape didn't know why but he stopped to take her in. Truly, take her in. She had always been just another face in the crowd to him, her punctuated presence only sticking out when she was doing something or another with Potter that put her in danger. It was in those moments only that he ever truly remembered who she was. She had always been beside Potter and Weasley in his mind. Part of a set, nothing more. But now, now she was alone. He came just a bit closer.

Her hair wasn't nearly as wild as it had been. It had tamed with the leaving of her youth. It had grown lighter in areas but still had a deep chocolate shine. The curls were soft, not spiraled. Like waves in the ocean. Her nose was small though fit her face well. The rounded curves of childhood on her cheeks were gone, leaving behind gentle angles of a young woman. She had the smallest little crease under her right eye and a small dusting of barely noticeable freckles under them. Her legs were long and tapered. He'd held her enough to know they were nearly solid. Her arms too just as lean, were wrapped around her waist holding onto the fabric beneath her long fingers.

He wasn't sure how long he stood there. He wasn't even sure why he had. The only thought that roused him was the knowledge that the possibility of her seeing her 20th birthday was highly improbable. It made his heart ache that this child, who had grown into a young woman before him, never stood a chance.

Deciding to let her rest for the time being, he moved to the office to retrieve her research. Something had been itching at the back of his brain. He'd finished three of the four stones before he'd even noticed something was missing from the final step. Cheeky girl. He actually smiled, fully smiled. Perhaps there was a bit of a Slytherin in her after all. He was just about to turn back when Albus moved through a frame of one of the other headmaster's.

"Brave of you to return."

"How is she, Severus?" His tone was heavy and there was no twinkle in the corner of his eye.

"Alive." His voice could have cut diamonds.

"You really are, an honorable man."

Snape said nothing more and turned away, the smile that had graced his lips fully inverted to a deep frown. He didn't have anything even remotely nice to say to the man. If he'd had his way, he would have dumped her off somewhere Potter would have found her and washed his hands of the entire mess. Perhaps if he'd done that, she may have had a chance.

He shut the door heavily, forgetting that he had meant for Granger to stay asleep a bit longer. A soft groan quickly reminded him but he feared it was too late. With a silent curse, he moved towards the fireplace. He needed to check her mental acuity anyway.

"How do you feel, Miss Granger?" His voice still had a small edge to it that had been left over from his brief dismissal of Albus.

"Itchy..." She was already rubbing her stomach and arms by the time he rounded the corner of the chair.

"I can't give you anymore salve." He made a face when she pulled open the button up shirt to get at her skin. He noted that his salves had done a rather fair job of calming the rash but the pockmarks remained. Something surely had bitten her. Whatever it was wouldn't be solved with a topical salve. "Stop that, you'll break the skin."

Hermione glared up at him weakly. What did he care if she broke the skin? It was her body. Then again, he had been trying to take care of her. She felt childish for a moment before forcing her hand away. It was just in time too, she had started to feel a tingle along her neck. "Can I...take a bath then?"

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