Chapter 7

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Snape groaned deeply in his sleep. The images brought to him held no comfort. Screams, panicked voices, all calling for him. Begging, pleading for him to save them.

Two bright green eyes staring directly into his soul jolted him from the ravaged dreamscape. His body jerked and something cool covered his hand.

It took him a full thirty seconds to orient himself. When he did he realized he'd fallen asleep next to the bathtub. His head on the lip one hand having fallen into the water.

His entire body ached from the awkward position he'd found himself in. His mind was lethargic in telling him why he'd fallen asleep in his bathroom before a soft sigh caught his attention. His head jerked up so fast his neck popped leaving a numb feeling down the left side of his body. Ignoring it, he blinked his vision clear while his heart sped up.

The girl. He was supposed to be caring for the girl! His eyes finally communicated with his brain and he felt himself relax.

She had fallen into a natural slumber. Her head well above the water, the crown of her head resting where his other arm had been. The murky water had since settled leaving a blurry view of the towel and her curled legs. There was hardly any rattle left in her breaths. Only a soft hum about every third.

Snape reached over and pressed the backs of his fingers against her cheek. Her skin was cool, but not unhealthily so. The color that had filled them gone. When he pulled away her head started to turn and his fingers ghosted over her lips.

Her eyes fluttered open for the briefest of seconds. Snape went still until she let out a heavy sigh. Satisfied that she would remain asleep he banished the water and cast a drying charm with a wave of his hand.

He glanced to his right noticing that his house elf had left a full change of clothes for both he and Granger. With a small glance to make sure she was still resting he made his way over inspecting what Poppet had brought.

Soft flannel pajamas with Gryffindor red print. A white undershirt and underclothing that would surely fit, though he wondered where it all came from he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.


"My Lord, I'm so grateful you were able to see me." Scabior bent his head low, taking to one knee.

"Your message intrigued me."

"I found this while going through the things we confiscated from Potter and his friends." The snatcher didn't dare come to his feet but he did glance at Bellatrix who was lounging on the floor beside Voldemort's chair. Nagini was running over the ebony hair witch's legs making a twisted smile form over the insane witch's face.

"Bring it to me." Voldemort held out his skeletal hand.


"Show me, Hermione Granger." Ron's voice was but a whisper. Night had fallen on their little camp. They'd managed to find some muggle camping gear in one of the settlements that had been destroyed by Voldermort's deatheaters. It had been a heartbreaking sight for all involved.

Thanks to Luna and Hermione's bag they were able to carry the meager supplies with barely a burden. Harry had been discussing his plans to get into Gringotts with them both. It seemed dangerous, beyond dangerous. As nice as Luna was, she wasn't Hermione. They needed Hermione. It had been nearly three days now and her absence was taking its toll.

Ron breathed slowly keeping the mirror close under his sleeping bag. He turned it carefully until he finally saw her hair. Another adjustment and Ron was greeted with her sleeping face. He smiled wryly, running his fingers over the glass.

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