The Inheritance part 1

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"Mental Speaking"





Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, along with Ginny's family, Hermione, and Hagrid arrived at Gringotts Bank, where Griphook, the Goblin who served as the Potter Family Accountant, led them to a special office where he would be able to talk with them in private. Once they were in the office, he told them to wait in the room, and that he would be right back. Afterward, he left the room. As the large group waited, they looked around and saw a desk, and several chairs, with two in front of the desk, and a third behind it. Harry and Ginny sat down in the two chairs in front of the desk, holding each other's hands.

Mrs. Weasley was still having a hard time believing that her youngest and only daughter was soul bonded with someone, much less to Harry Potter. She, like her husband Arthur Weasley, viewed Harry as another son, and never in her wildest dreams, had she ever imagined that her daughter would turn out to share a Soul Bond with him. She looked at the two young individuals and saw them holding each other's hands, and smiling at each other as they looked into each other's eyes, and couldn't help but smile herself. She could see the admiration and love that the two had for each other in the way that they looked at each other. She knew instantly that Harry and Ginny were truly meant for each other. Her focus on the two broke when she heard flames whooshing in the fireplace that was in the room, and looked to see her husband step out.

She had sent a Patronus message to him before she entered the bank, informing him of what happened, and to meet them at Gringotts. As he stepped out, he quickly brushed off some ash and walked over to his wife, flabbergasted.

"Is it true?" Mr. Weasley asked his wife, eager to know if what he heard from the message Patronus was true. "Are Harry and Ginny soul bonded? Word of a Soul Bond being seen in Diagon Alley had reached and spread throughout the Ministry, but no one knew who the bonded individuals were!"

Mrs. Weasley nodded her head, confirming her husband's question. Mr. Weasley shook his head, shocked and surprised as his wife was.

"Yes Arthur, it is true." Mrs. Weasley said to him, still trying to wrap her head around what they were learning. "Harry and Ginny were the ones who formed the Soul Bond. It was like nothing I had seen before! When they kissed each other, a bright golden glow just wrapped around them, and lasted for almost three minutes!"

"Yeah, and when Fred mentioned the glow, Harry and Ginny looked at him, like they had no idea of what he was talking about!" Percy further added. "They completely had no idea of what he was talking about!"

Mr. Weasley considered what he was being told by his family. His line of thought was broken when they heard the door open and turned to see Griphook returning, with a set of papers tucked in his arm.

When Griphook left, Harry helped Ginny into her chair and took his. He then held her hand into his, looked into her chocolate brown eyes, and just felt like he was getting lost in her eyes. Harry heard Mr. Weasley enter via the fireplace, clearly using the Floo System, and heard him talking with Mrs. Weasley and Percy, but he didn't care or pay much attention, his attention was focused only on Ginny. Ginny looked towards the door, as did he when they heard the door open and Griphook came back in. Harry saw the stacks of paper that were in his arms and figured that the papers must've been his full inheritance information. Harry and Ginny both watched him as he walked around to the chair that was behind the desk, placed the papers on the desk, straitening them out, and looked up at them, his hands clasped together.

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