The Inheritance part 2

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"Mental Speaking"





Ginny took the letter that Griphook gave to her that was written by Harry's parents. She looked at the envelope and saw the names of James and Lily Potter. She went ahead, opened the envelope, pulled out the letter, and started reading it.

Dear future Daughter-In-Law,

If you are reading this, then it means that we are unfortunately dead, and thus unable to meet you, and get to know you. We are sure that you are undoubtedly a kind and sweet girl, as you must be very special to Harry. Please take good care of our son, and give him as much love that we were unable to give him. If we were still alive, we are certain that we would've liked you, because if you can make Harry happy, then you are a truly amazing person. Please take good care of him, but please understand that if you hurt him, in any way shape, or form, the ghost of Lily Potter will haunt and curse you forever! Other than that, please treat him right, take care of him, and love him with all your heart.


James and Lily Potter.

Ginny read the letter at least three more times, allowing the message to sink in. She knew what James and Lily Potter were asking of her, not that it was going to be a problem. Ginny truly did love Harry, and she would never dare think of doing anything to hurt him. She looked at Harry, saw the tears that were forming in his eyes, and placed her hand on his. He looked up into her eyes, and she into his.

He showed her the letter that his parents had written for him, and she showed him the letter that she had received. Ginny read his letter, and as she read it, she couldn't help but cry as she read the message that his parents had left for him. When Ginny looked back at him, she saw a smile on his face, as he chuckled at the message that his parents left for her. He looked back at her, smiled at her, and she back at him. Suddenly Ginny began seeing images of Harry's childhood, the verbal abuse that he suffered, his fat uncle telling him multiple times that he was nothing but a freak, and that no one would ever want to be friends with him, that no one was ever going to love him. She realized that these were bits of Harry's memories, not all of it, as she felt that there was more that Harry wasn't ready to share with her just yet, but she was willing to wait until he was ready to tell her the full story. But regardless, Ginny was upset by what Harry had to go through, and she decided that she would talk to her mother and Professor Dumbledore, to see if there was a way that they could get Harry out of the Dursley house.

Ginny suppose that while she and Harry were in the middle of their little, telepathic connection, her mother and father must have picked up the letters, and read them.

"Ha, leave it to James to say something like that in a letter to his son!" Arthur Weasley had said, making Harry look at him in surprise, as he started laughing. "James always was one for getting into trouble, I remember that one time in his third year that he caused Professor Slughorn's cauldron to catch fire when he tried to add an ingredient to his potion, and it turned out that it was the wrong ingredient that he had switched, and he got a month's worth of detention!"

Ginny had to admit, she was shocked to hear her father talk about Harry's father, as she had never known that he and her mother were acquainted with James and Lily Potter during their school days. Molly Weasley was even chuckling as well.

"Oh yes, I remember that as well, Lily and I both made it clear that we didn't find the prank amusing, but in secrecy, we were laughing about it as well, even though Professor Slughorn was Lily's favorite teacher at Hogwarts." She commented, laughing with Mr. Weasley.

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