The Big News

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"Mental Speaking"





Ginny could sense that Harry was apprehensive about telling her mother and father, along with her brothers and Hermione about what they had learned from Griphook about their Bond, especially after what Lucius Malfoy had said. She took his hand to let him know that he wasn't alone and that everything was going to be alright. He looked into her eyes and made sure that he knew that he was going to be fine and that she was right there with

"Harry, Ginny what was Lucius talking about in regards to twenty-four hours?" Molly Weasley asked them, concern in her voice as she looked at Harry and her daughter.

Arthur Weasley must've recognized that Molly was getting nervous, and wrapped his arm around her, which was actually what Harry was doing for Ginny too. Weird how he and Mr. Weasley seem to be thinking the same as each other at that moment. Ginny looked at Harry, and nodded her head, letting him know that they'd best get it over with. He took a big breath, and they both began explaining what Griphook had just told them about the twenty-four-hour time limit.

Finally, it was Ron who broke the silence.

"So let me get this straight, you and Harry need to stay at each other's side for twenty-four hours, or else both of you are going to die?" He asked them, clearly concerned for his best friend and sister.

"Basically, yeah Ron," Harry answered, hesitantly. "And honestly, I'm not so sure if my uncle Vernon Dursley will let me go to your home just so I can be able to be with Ginny."

"Oh now, don't you worry about that Harry!" Mrs. Weasley said, determination setting into her voice. "Arthur and I will have something to say about that."

Ginny couldn't help but feel confused by what her mother had just said, and when she looked at Harry, she could tell that he was just as confused. So they just looked back at Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, hoping to get some clarification on Mrs. Weasley's comment.

"What do you mean by that Mum?" Harry asked, hoping to get some kind of clarity.

It was Mr. Weasley who spoke next, for the first time since he came back from the Ministry, no doubt at some point when Harry and Ginny were in Gringotts.

"Thanks to some help and permission from Amelia Bones in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Molly and I, have a custody release paper for the Dursleys to sign, thus the Dursleys will have to let Harry come with us tonight."

Harry couldn't believe what Mr. Weasley had just said! Custody release papers? That means that he wouldn't have to go back to the Dursleys at the end of the school year every summer anymore and that he would not only be able to be with Ginny, but he would also be able to be with a family that loved him. A family that wants him! And the Weasley Family was that family, after all, Mrs. Weasley took him in when Ron, Fred, and George went to get him last year with their dad's flying Ford Anglia and fed him. Of course, he would more than likely miss his aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley, they were the only Dursleys who actually cared about him, unlike his uncle Vernon.

"Would you like that Harry?" Mr. Weasley asked Harry, evidently a bit concerned that he didn't give an immediate answer to what he said." I know that it would be a big change, but I'm certain that it would be worth it."

Harry thought long and hard about what he was being offered by his father-in-law. It was a clear chance of having a better life, a chance to not only be with a loving family but also be with the girl that he loved. Truth be told he'd be a fool and an idiot not to accept the offer.

"I'd like that very much, Dad." Harry told him, a smile creeping its way onto his face.

Hermione and the Weasleys all smiled at Harry's evident happiness, and for the rest of the day, they spent the time together. At around twelve fifty, Hermione had to leave, but before then, we were able to get a lot of pictures together. Harry, Ron, and Hermione would get their pictures together as a group picture, and they even had one of them, and Ginny included, and several times it was either Harry and Hermione, or Harry and Ron, but most of the time, Harry and Ginny. They even had a group picture of Harry, Ginny, and the entire Weasley family that was taken, as well as one of all of them, and Hermione included as well; after all, she was like a sister to Harry, and she was part of his family, just as Ginny and the Weasley's were. Harry even saw a fountain and wanted to recreate the picture of his parents with him and Ginny, and it was taken, along with a picture of Harry and Ginny kissing each other.

Unfortunately, it soon got to two forty-five, and Harry had to get back to 4 Privet Drive before three o'clock. The Weasleys decided to go with him, to make sure that the Dursleys would sign the papers. After they apparated, or for some of the group, (Harry, Ginny, Ron, Fred, and George), side apparated, to the secluded and deserted playground at the end of Privet Drive. They started walking towards the house that was like a prison to Harry due to his uncle, and quite honestly, he was starting to feel nervous, and apprehensive about what was to come.

Harry guess Ginny must've sensed his feelings, because she took ahold of his hand, and gently squeezed it, calming him.

'It's going to be ok Harry. Mum and Dad are going to make sure that nothing happens. And I'll be with you all the time.' She told him, using their bond to send him the message.

'I know Ginny, it's just ... I've been trapped with the Dursleys for so long, that I honestly never thought that I'd ever be able to get out from them.' Harry told her, being careful not to say anything about what he had gone through with them. 'I never really felt like I had a home with the Dursleys, on account of my uncle, it always felt more like a prison. My aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley tried to help make my life a bit better, despite Uncle Vernon. But now, I have a chance to be free, and be with a family that I know will love me, and a girl that I can be glad to call my special someone.'

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the blush on Ginny's face, and quickly placed a kiss on her cheek. Soon they stood in front of number four privet drive, and Harry's apprehension came back, despite Ginny holding his hand. It was even worse because he saw his Uncle Vernon's car sitting in the driveway, which meant that he got home from work early.

"Well, here we go." Harry said, speaking out loud this time, as he walked towards the door.

Just before Harry grabbed the doorknob to open the door, it flung open, and a meaty hand grabbed his arm, and yanked him into the house, ripping his hand out of Ginny's, and the door was slammed shut in the faces of the Weasley's. In front of Harry now, was the purple face of his fat whale of an uncle, Vernon Dursley, and he looked very angry.

"Boy, you are in big trouble!"

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a little short, but I was in a bit of a rush to get this published cause I wanted to post this chapter, particularly today. Anyway, I'm going to leave off on this little cliffhanger and will try to start working on the next chapter. But for now, That's all for today here on August 11.

Speaking of which, Happy Birthday Ginny Molly Potter (Née Weasley)!

Inspired by GinnyWeasleyRules, I will be encouraging anyone who reads the story to ask the characters any questions that they have, and they'll answer them as best as they can.

Characters: So don't hesitate to ask us anything!

Ok ok ok, I think they get the point now get back in the story! So anyway, have a nice day.


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