Changes Part 3

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"Mental Speaking"





Harry brought Ginny up to his room and opened the door to the small bedroom. Ginny couldn't help but feel disgusted by the appearance of the room. The room was relatively small and had a bed mattress sitting on the floor and looked as though the springs were sticking out. To her immediate right, was a wardrobe that looked as though it had one door about to fall off its hinges. There was a small desk next to the mattress that sat beneath the window; which when Ginny looked closer at it, she noticed that it had braces for bars sitting on the outside of it; undoubtedly from the previous summer where Fred, George, and Ron had to go and rescue Harry from his uncle. To the left of the room, was a dresser, on top of which rested Harry's faithful snowy owl, Hedwig, in her cage.

Hedwig watched the two young children with interest but showed absolutely no animosity to the presence of Ginny. Ginny watched as Harry walked over to Hedwig's cage, and then opened the door, allowing the white bird out. As soon as she was allowed out, Hedwig flew over to Ginny and landed on the redhead's shoulder. Ginny turned her head to look into the amber eyes of the snowy owl, and then Hedwig rubbed her head against Ginny's cheek, eliciting a giggle from the girl.

"Looks like Hedwig likes you, Ginny," Harry said, as he walked over to the girl that had been the subject of a secret little crush of his. "And if there's one thing I know about Hedwig, it's that she's a good judge of character. Ain't that right girl?"

Hedwig hooted in response as if in affirmation, and remained on Ginny's shoulder, as she and Harry continued to pack Harry's clothes. Or rather technically, Dudley's old clothes that were given to Harry, on Vernon's orders. Perhaps with Uncle Vernon no longer in their lives, and going to jail to boot, maybe there would finally be a chance for Aunt Petunia to take Harry out to buy some clothes that would fit him.

"I'm sure that your aunt will get you some proper fitting clothes, Harry," Ginny said to him, making Harry look at her with an inquisitive look on his face, causing Ginny to giggle at him. "Remember Harry, we share each other's thoughts and memories. That's how I knew what you were thinking."

Harry couldn't help but blush in embarrassment as Ginny said that.

"Oh yeah, right." He replied sheepishly.

Ginny couldn't help but roll her eyes, before leaning towards Harry and kissing him on his cheek, feeling the heat from his blush on her lips. As Ginny pulled away to continue to help pack, Harry placed his hand on his cheek where Ginny kissed him, hoping to savor the feeling of her lips on it. Eventually, they finished packing, and with Harry's belongings in hand, and Hedwig perched on Ginny's shoulder, the Bonded couple walked downstairs. As they reached the living room, they found their respective families still in their spots as they left them.

"Ah Harry, Ginny, I'm glad that you two came down." Petunia said, getting up from her place on the sofa.

"Aunt Petunia, is something wrong?" Harry asked his aunt, concerned that there was something the matter.

"Oh no Harry, nothing's wrong." She answered, placing a caring hand on Harry's cheek. "I just wanted to let you know that I've agreed to let you go to the Weasley's home, to further bond with Ginny. Though I do hope that you'll come home when the Bond is settled in, or at least come back to visit often."

Harry couldn't help but smile at Ginny, as he understood where Aunt Petunia was coming from. He had grown up under her caring arm, she had shown him the care and love that he did not doubt that his mother would've given him; she had treated him as if he was a second son, and raised him in the same way that she raised Dudley. With love, tenderness, and all the care that only a mother could give to a child, while also making sure that he would grow up to be a kind and generous man one day. As eager as Harry was to form a new family with Ginny, he didn't want to abandon his aunt and cousin, especially now that they had achieved their freedom from Vernon Dursley.

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