Rest of the Day, & the Malfoys

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A/N: Any words that are italicized, represent communication between Harry and Ginny. Words that are italicized and bold, are letters and book paragraphs that are being read. Words that are italicized and between this symbol: ~ are flashback moments or memories that are being viewed in the Pensieve.


"Mental Speaking"





Ginny just couldn't believe what Griphook had just told her and Harry. If she and Harry weren't together for twenty-four hours, then they were going to die!

'I guess that there has to be a little downside to equalize the good on some things or something.' Ginny thought.

Ginny looked at Harry, and she easily saw the concern and fear in his eyes, but through their empathy link, she could feel that his fear and concern were mostly for her, not him. She couldn't help but feel somewhat pleased that Harry was concerned for her since she was feeling the same for him.

"So, what exactly do we do?" Ginny asked Griphook, looking back at the goblin.

"I would recommend that the both of you must stay side by side of each other for the next twenty-four hours until the Bond has had a chance to settle in." Griphook continued to explain, motioning for two other goblins to grab some chairs, and brought them over to Harry and Ginny to sit in, which they did. "I would also strongly recommend that your parents put in a request for guardian custody for Lord Potter as well Lady Potter, that way, the two of you can continue to strengthen the Bond between you."

Harry and Ginny nodded to Griphook, understanding what the Goblin was saying. As they got up to leave, Griphook grabbed Harry's arm and produced two letters from his coat.

"One more thing before I forget Lord Potter, I have two letters, one from your mother, and another from your father, written for a specific professor at Hogwarts." He explained, handing them over to Harry, and Ginny felt Harry's shock when he saw the name of the professor that they were for. "They specifically told me to hand them to you, so that you could give them to their designated recipient."

"SEVERUS SNAPE!?" He exclaimed, making her eyes widen in shock. "Why would my parents write a couple of letters to Snape?"

"From what I understood, your mother and Professor Snape used to be close friends when they were young, and had a sort of falling out in their fifth year at Hogwarts," Griphook said, making Harry look even more shocked. "As for your father, I know that he and Snape were once rivals, and so I can only assume that his letter is probably an apology letter to Snape, but I'm not quite sure. I'm merely a banker Lord Potter, not a mailman."

Ginny couldn't help but chuckle at the attempted joke that Griphook had made. She looked at Harry, and she could still see the confused look on his face, so she gently took the letters out of his hand, placed them safely in her pocket, and kissed him on his cheek, comforting him. After he finally looked at her, she saw the smile that she had come to enjoy and love seeing on his face.

"I believe that that will be all for today. If either one of you still has any questions, don't hesitate to contact me and let me know." Griphook said, finally finished with the preteens, and bowing to them. "Good day Lord and Lady Potter."

Harry and Ginny bowed back at him and proceeded to leave the bank. As they did so, they started to have a mental conversation in their heads, discussing what they just learned.

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