Changes part 2

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"Mental Speaking"





Well, this wasn't exactly what Harry and Ginny expected, but Ginny did think that Petunia took the news that she had learned rather well. Minus the fainting spell from learning that she now has an eleven, almost twelve-year-old niece-in-law. After all, Harry and Ginny expected that Petunia would probably be surprised to learn that Harry and Ginny were technically married, but she honestly didn't expect her now aunt-in-law to faint. Dudley, Harry, Mrs. Weasley, and Ginny were now trying to figure out how to get her to wake up, while Mr. Weasley and Percy were reprimanding Fred and George for snickering, and Ron was just standing around doing nothing, with a pale face, as if he never saw someone faint before. Honestly, how thick could he be?

Still, it was slightly better than how Molly Weasley took the news, though looking back at it, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley seemed quite surprised that Ginny was Soul Bonded with Harry, but after a while, they accepted it; Ginny guessed it must've been because they already accepted Harry as apart of their family, and the fact that he saved her life in the Chamber of Secrets. As for Ron, Fred, and George, they seemed to be extremely happy that he was now officially a part of the family, though, for some reason, Percy seemed intrigued by Harry and Ginny's new bond, almost as if he didn't approve of his little sister being with Harry. Ginny made a mental note to talk to her Mum and Dad about that.

"Harry, do you or your cousin Dudley know if your aunt has any smelling salt in the house?" Mrs. Weasley asked Harry, snapping Ginny out of her line of thought.

Ginny looked at Harry and Dudley, noting the way that they were looking at each other. And then Harry answered her mother's question.

"No Mrs. Weasley, as far as I know, Aunt Petunia never kept any smelling salts in the house." He answered honestly, looking concerned.

"Harry's right, Mum doesn't have any smelling salts," Dudley said, backing up Harry. "Dad never really believed in using that kind of stuff, so he forbade the use of smelling salts, just like how he tried to forbade Harry from being himself."

Mrs. Weasley didn't like having to hear how the man that was taken by the Muggle Aurors, or constables, as Petunia called them, treated the boy who had become a part of her family, in more ways than one. As it was, she was disappointed in how he denied such simple items that could be useful, such as smelling salts. Since she was aware that Petunia's son knew about magic, she pulled her wand out of her pocket, conjured a smelling salt, and carefully waved the salt back and forth near Petunia's nose, allowing the scent to go up into her nostrils, which in the end worked to wake her up. Petunia bolted right back up when she smelled the smelling salts that were placed under her nose, but at least she was awake again. She shook her head to clear the smell out of her sinuses.

Once her sinuses were clear, she looked up into the emerald green eyes of her nephew, the same eyes that once belonged to her sister. She was having a problem understanding what she had just learned from her nephew. Did she even hear him correctly in saying that he was now, married? He's twelve going on thirteen! He shouldn't be married now unless he was trying to pull a joke on her or something. She always wondered if his father's tendency to tell somewhat bad jokes would pop at some point in Harry.

"Alright Harry, that's not a very funny joke," She said, hoping that's what it was. "I must admit, it was not a very good idea of a joke."

Harry, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley all looked at each other uneasily, uncomfortable with how they were going to have to convince Petunia that Harry wasn't joking.

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