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some people are born good and always fight off the bad

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some people are born good and always fight off the bad. some people are born bad and become good through great effort. others are born in light and fall to darkness. and others are born in darkness and cannot see the light.

try as you might to believe otherwise, everyone fits into one of those categories. which one are you? are you good or bad? light or dark? an angel or a demon?

i know what i am.

when i came of age i realised the life ahead of me was one of anger, pain and hatred. of darkness. did i want that?

yeah. i did.

i grew up surrounded by fire and ash, poison and death. it was the only thing i knew, so of course, i wanted it. i was never taught what love was. what kindness was. in fact, in my entire childhood, i think i saw just one type of smile - a smile full of malice and cruel intent.

it was all i knew.

i was trained to be the perfect killer: battle axes, daggers, swords, maces, bows and arrows. put a weapon in my hand and chances are i would use it to bludgeon you to death.

for two decades i slaved away, learning ever more imaginative ways to torture and kill. and i enjoyed it because i knew i'd always be a demon no matter what.

at least, that's what i thought.

but, boy, was i dead wrong.

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