Ch5: You'd Better Get to Work

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Author's note:

Hi everyone! I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you that are reading — and especially those that take a moment to post a public review or send me private ones in my inbox. Anyone who follows me knows I have been dabbling in the Game of Thrones fandom recently, but I will always have a special place in my heart for Four and Tris.

On that note, I also want to give a tremendous thank you and praise my Beta, BK2U. First, every minute of her personal time that she edits, asks me for clarification, makes Four less of a "p^ssy" (we say that with jest), suggests a plot point – is a gift to me, and I greatly appreciate it. As she has ZERO interest in Game of Thrones, I have sorely missed her Beta skills on that side of the fence. But for this story – I've seen firsthand how much better of a writer she makes me, and how much better my stories are with her efforts. So, a big THANK YOU to Barbara!

I hope you enjoy this chapter. There are only two more left after this one, and I look forward to sharing them with you. Until next Tuesday!

Thank you ALL again for your support; it means a lot to me.

Xo, FourTrisHEA

Chapter 5: You'd Better Get to Work

Chapter Summary: Things get even tenser in the office as Tobias and Tris muddle along.

+++o+ Still At the Bar +o+++

Once in the restroom, Tobias takes his time; he splashes cool water on his face in order to calm himself. Eric has been a thorn in Tobias's side for many years, always stepping on those around him in order to climb up the corporate ladder. Eric has taken credit for Tobias's hard work countless times; it is a never-ending cycle with that asshole.

This project is the first time that Tobias has a chance to actually get credit for his work. Eric is on assignment for a job out of state, so he can't attempt to swoop in at the last minute and pretend he did all of the heavy lifting. More importantly, Eric's superior flat out told them he wanted to see Tobias run with this project on his own, warning Eric to stay out of the way.

Unfortunately, whenever Eric's client needs to pause the project, he stays in town and torments all of his employees by making his 'leadership' known. That, and he tries to get some ass during his free time, usually with a different girl each night.

Of course, Tobias is worried about Tris, but he also reminds himself that she is a smart girl. Plus, he also has firsthand experience with her, and knows she's not one to take much crap from a guy.

Obviously, as she wasn't even willing to give me a chance to explain myself. Clearly, she can be heartless when it comes to dating.

Fuck, that's not fair either. She did catch me kissing my witch-ex in the middle of our date.

Again, none of my business. I am staying clear — it's not my problem.

Finally calm enough to go back to the table, Tobias steps out of the men's restroom and runs smack into Tris in the hallway, almost toppling her over. Tris laughs and grabs onto Tobias's upper arms to steady herself.

"Shit, sorry about that!" Tobias says while placing a hand on her thin waist to help stabilize her.

The contact between the two is something that feels natural, so neither of them moves to separate. Both have also consumed a couple of drinks during the evening, and some of their usual caution and reserve has ebbed away.

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