Present day

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Once everyone in the group made it back to future gravity falls they gathered together and used the tape measure to go back in time to the present day. Immediately they were faced with a problem. They had no house. The entire mystery shack was blown to bits. Everyone looked around.

"What are we gonna do about where we're staying?" Robbie asked. Pacifica then spoke up.

"You guys can all stay at my place. There's plenty of rooms and my mom wouldn't mind one bit." Pacifica Said.

"While that's going on I'm sure I can get help rebuilding the place from all the mystical creatures in the Forrest." Ford Said. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a flute and started to play it soon enough a fairy arrived.

"Stanford pines! Your ok! We thought you perished at the hands of bill!" The fairy said.

"Of course were ok. Bill wasn't smart enough to plan for our trip through time." Ford Said. Then he became confused. "What made you think bill destroyed us?" Ford Asked.

"Because we couldn't find you and the barrier is destroyed!" The fairy said in a concerned manner.

"The barriers destroyed?! What?!" Stan asked incredulous.

"Wait, Wait. Isn't the barrier what kept in all the strange creatures of the Forrest?!" Pacifica Said.

"Yes, it was." Ford Said gravely.

"Wait? Then won't the whole world know about them?" Soos Asked.

"Sooner or later. Yes. Might take a bit of time though for everyone to come to terms with it. Excuse me. What is the current status of all the mystical creatures?" Ford Asked.

"The Fairy Queen has made it clear that we will not leave gravity falls and continue to keep our existence hidden by hiding in the great tree. The manotaurs stay in their cave in Wait for Dipper. The Gnomes refuse to leave the Forrest as they worry for their missing brethren who are under bill's control. Most species are staying in hiding. But the gremlins, goblins, gremlobins, and any other creature related to bill all left the Forrest to follow him." The fairy said.

"What!? Bill didn't go into hibernation!?" Ford Asked. The tiny fairy shook her head. "This is bad. Very bad. Why didn't bill go into his hibernation. That was what he wanted. It's the fastest way to get the prophecy. The prophecy is all he wants. Why stay awake?" Ford Asked.

"Wait? Your telling us bills still walking around here?" Velma asked. Her human legs were shaking as she looked around.

"Do not worry my dear. We will protect you." Ford said putting a hand on Velma. "Right Dipper?" Ford Asked. No response. "Dipper?" Ford Asked. He stood up and looked around. "Huh. He isn't back." Ford stated. Pacifica looked around. He was no where.

"Why isn't he back yet. Dipper said he'd come back!" Pacifica Said getting worried.

"Don't worry, don't worry. He probably just got the wrong time or day. Knowing that kid what ever it is he was looking for, he got so absorbed in it he forgot the exact date and is just coming a day or two late. He'll definitely come back." Stan said with a confident grin. Pacifica calmed down and smiled.

"Yeah. Yeah your probably right. He wouldn't forget about us." Pacifica Said. She then looked around again but more calm now. "We just might have to wait a little while for him to come back." Pacifica Said. As Pacifica Said this, in a tree up high above them was a silver owl with bright blue eyes. It watched the group very closely.

In the future by 215000 years

After the ritual that made dipper a dream demon he decided to stay and train his new found power under the instruction of the powerful dream demon who turned dipper as well as a few others. Dipper had spent 10,000 years in future. At first his training felt like it was taking forever and he'd never get to the end of it. But here he was finished with all the training the higher dream demons were willing to give. They claimed that while they could teach him more, it was time he set off on his own and learned for himself. Dipper was now having one last conversation with his mentor. He was kneeling down in a room of pure darkness. Over the thousands of years dippers appearance had slightly changed. Not in his physical features but rather his clothing. He wore a blue military coat with a hood that he kept open, black shirt, white pants, black gloves, black leather combat boots, and sword on his hip.

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