Let the games begin

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Leaving the library dipper returned to his domain then began to exit returning to the real world. He exited his domain in the forest of gravity falls close to the mountain.

"I need to get to London. Fast. I'm so glad bill destroyed the dome. No way I could have broken it." Dipper said.

"Of course you couldn't. There would have been no way you could take that dome down." Bill said from behind. Dipper stopped and looked over his shoulder at the human looking bill. "What? Didn't think I could figure out where you would pop up? I'm over a hundred trillion years old. I know magical tricks that make even the greatest dream demons of history look like fools with parlor tricks. Now come on, let's talk pine tree." Bill said.

"So you figured out who I am." Dipper said.

"Wasn't very hard. When dear old ford showed up without you I thought you must have done something. Have to say you turning yourself into a dream demon was the last thing I thought you'd do. Honestly I'm impressed, and that's not an easy thing to do." Bill said.

"What do you want. You obviously came here to do something more then just talk." Dipper said.

"That's actually exactly what I came to do. Talk. Maybe at the end of it make a deal. After all we're both civilized demons. What do you say triple d." Bill said.

"What?" Dipper asked.

"Triple d? Well that's a nickname that comes from you being a Dream Demon named Dipper. Dream Demon Dipper. Triple D." Bill explained

"No I got that. But why in hell would I agree to talk to you. You nearly killed me." Dipper said getting a little angry.

"Oh come on pine tree. Water under the bridge. I just want to talk. Explain a few things that you couldn't have understood before." Bill said.

"There is no way I would ever talk to you. Now leave me alone, you psychopathic triangle." Dipper said getting angry. Hearing that last thing seemed to upset Bill. He became a little dark.

"I am not psychopathic. You have stepped into a world you don't even fully comprehend." Bill said.

"I don't need to fully comprehend it. I just need to comprehend all the different ways I can beat a psychopath like you." Dipper said. Bill closed the distance between himself and dipper faster then dipper could react then hit him with his cane like a baseball bat right across dipper face. Dipper flew back crashing through a tree. Blood dripping from dippers mouth, dipper got back up.

"Don't! Call! Me! A Psychopath!" Bill said angry. Dipper smiled.

"What you don't like being told what you are?" Dipper asked.

"Agh!!!" Bill roared as he charged at dipper. Dipper put all his magical power into his fist before he dodged bills cane and punched bill square in the face. The sheer power within his punch created a shockwave and sent bill crashing through a dozen trees. Bill got up slowly as that punch had actually hurt. He looked at dipper confused. Bill could tell by dippers demonic aura that he was barely older then 10 thousand years but somehow his power equivalent to demon who was 200 trillion years old. Bill was only 160 trillion years old. How could dipper have amassed such amazing power in only 10 thousand years?! The only answer was that however he became a dream demon made him a very powerful one. Bill stumbled to his feet and held his cane tightly allowing its power to surge through him. Dipper watch it carefully.

"So. That is one of the legendary nightmares." Dipper said. Bill looked at him and smiled.

"So you know about the nightmares. I'm impressed. But how much do you really know about them. Did you know they could do..... THIS!" Bill roared as he hands burned with blue fire and he threw his fist forward. However he did not attack rather he created a pillar of blue fire and emerging from the pillar was a small little demon baby like monster with a pacifier in his belly along with two eyes for nipples. Dipper stepped back.

"What the hell?!" Dipper said confused.

"Meet paci-Fire. I made a deal with him in the nightmare realm. One stop on my many travels. Let's just say his people are really into the dark arts of magic and his magical ability is.... special. Paci-Fire!" Bill ordered. The dark monster looked at him. "Beat him to a pulp. But don't kill him. I have much to talk to him about." Bill said. Paci-Fire turned to dipper before it started walking at him menacingly. Dipper created a beam of magical energy and shot it at Paci-fire. However the beam seemed to deflect of his skin.

"What?!" Dipper said confused. He just fired a magical attack of high power but for some reason this thing had blocked it. Dipper then started shooting attack after attack. Each one bounced off its skin.

"Ahahahahahahaha! Come on pine tree! Is it really taking you this long to figure it out?! He's immune to all magical abilities!!!" Bill said with glee. Dipper backed off. He then turned to his right and saw a tree. Grabbing it he ripped it out of the ground, then he swung at Paci-Fire. When it hit, the ugly baby didn't budge an inch and the tree shattered. The baby then launched itself at dipper, to late to react dipper was wrapped in a big hug by Paci-fire. Dipper could swear he heard his bones crack or the dream demon equivalent of bones. Paci-Fire then grabbed his arm and threw him through a bunch of trees. As dipper sat up Paci-Fire jumped on top of him knocking the wind out of dipper. He then began stomping on top of dipper. Finally he got off just to kick dipper towards bill. Dipper landed at bills feet. Bill bent his knees so he was almost on level with dipper. "You don't look too good pine tree. I guess Paci-Fire was a little too violent. You see the nightmares can do a lot more then just give power. They have special abilities. My cane allows me to make any kind of deal I want with anyone. For humans the easiest way to explain is that it's like making a deal with the devil. Only drawback for me is that I am also bound by the rules of the deal, however when I have final say over what the deal is I'd say that I have a powerful tool here. The deal I made with Paci-Fire here was that I'd kill his greatest enemy in exchange he gave me his eternal servitude. Others I had to trick into serving me. But he's just one of many. Think how bad you'd be beaten if I got all of them to come out and play huh? You'd get demolished." Bill said. Dipper pushed himself off the ground with his hands. Then looking down he said something. Bill couldn't hear him. "Speak up pine tree I can't hear you." Bill said.

"Hauuiwhgg Wigzrx pqxzs eios" dipper said aloud. Bill realized he had chanted a spell. Suddenly a mass of smoke exploded from dipper. Bill stepped back as he waved his hand in front of him and coughed. When the smoke disappeared dipper was gone.

"Pines!" Bill growled.

Dipper had retreated to his domain once again. Where he'd treat his wounds and try to rest up. He was going to need a plan if he was to get to London.

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