Dream Demon Dipper

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Many uneventful things happened before past dipper and Mabel left for gravity falls. Their birthday was the most eventful thing. Currently dipper was following them close behind. As gravity falls came into view Dipper felt the barriers magic energy. As past dipper and Mabel entered future Dipper stayed back just outside the barrier. Dippers mind then began to race with information as he looked at the barrier. The design was meant to keep magical beings in, not out. Dipper put his hand through the barrier, before he tried to pull it back out. Putting his hand through the barrier seemed to be very easy, pulling it out? That was a whole other story. It felt like he was pulling several tons along with his hand. It felt like his hand was gonna be torn off just before he pulled it outside the barrier. Dipper fell to ground and grasped his hand. It hurt like hell. Slowly dipper got back up and looked at the barrier. Currently it was a one way trip. Maybe in the future when he gets stronger he might be able to push his way through more easily. But for the foreseeable future if Dipper went in, he wouldn't be coming out. Dipper then looked at the barrier again just before he stepped through. What else could he do. The future depended on Dipper now more then ever. It was as the dream demon of the future said. Time isn't set in stone. So if Dipper didn't do anything the entire future would be in danger because of bill. As dipper flew towards the mystery shack he contemplated stopping bill's plan to enter this dimension. After a while he threw that idea out. If he did that there's no telling what kind of time paradox might unfold. After all it's because bill entered this dimension that dipper became a dream demon himself. Deciding that for now he'd just stick with past him, all the while knocking over some dominoes that caused important events.

For the next year Dipper influenced everything. These things included drawing the Gremlobin to past dipper, drawing the gremlobin away from past dipper, causing past dipper to see past Pacifica at the mall, getting the school bad boy James walker to go after Pacifica causing past dipper to save her, sadly dipper also caused the escape of Preston northwest and the confrontation between dipper and Preston. Dipper also got rid of the extra evidence past dipper couldn't deal with. Dipper was happy though when he found that it was Pacifica's choice to be a protector rather then dipper influencing her. But as school ended for past dipper and summer began dipper decided to change other things. Starting with that Charles guy.

It was the day that dipper met Charles. But this time Dream Demon Dipper was gonna interfere in something he didn't previously. For several reasons. One. He needed to know just how time works. If it isn't set in stone then he can not only cause previous events that had happened but also cause events that didn't happen and thus change the future.

Dipper found the limo that brought Charles originally. It was on the road to Pacifica's this very moment. Dipper readied himself and stood to the side of the road. As the limo came closer and closer, Dipper moved so he was in the limos way and using magic he scared the driver. This caused the limo to wreck. The front end crashed into a tree totaling the vehicles engine. The driver was fine. He had some cuts and bruises but he'd live. Charles then opened the door and crawled out. He looked around and saw dipper.

"What the hell?" He asked. Dipper walked forward. He then grabbed Charles by his suit.

"Bill isn't here to help you." Dipper said.

"Who?!" Charles asked confused. What made it more confusing was that dipper knew he wasn't lying. He didn't know who bill was. Which meant that he hadn't met bill yet. Dipper then grabbed his head allowing Dipper to enter Charles mindscape. It was a twisted place. Probably due to Charles mental instability. Dipper then locked his memories away and erased the memories of Pacifica and the northwest family. This would make it seem like he just had a serious case of amnesia from the accident. Then using some magic he knew, dipper transferred the events of the wreck to another place. The car wreck now had happened by the woods of town. As he finished up dipper got a massive headache and fell to his knees as new memories appeared alongside the memories of the original time. When it was over dipper found himself looking at the ground. Was that what happened when you changed something in the past? Honestly it wasn't so bad. Charles didn't seem to have a massive impact on Dipper. Only things that changed were that Charles didn't appear at the mansion and he wasn't the priest of Bill. Whatever Charles did further in the future as the priest of bill didn't matter anymore because Dipper never experienced it and will not be able to tell the difference. The new priest was just a random follower of bill. After this dipper decided to be a bit more cautious about what he changed. Experiencing the changes in the timeline was very unpleasant, and he definitely didn't want to do it again. The rest of the time dipper merely watched the events unfold. But it wasn't until after they all left that for the future with an unconscious human dipper that dream demon dipper began to plan seriously.

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