The Library

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Dipper walked through his very own personal domain. Every dream demon possesses their own domain that they alone can access. Only way to access another dream demons personal domain was with a magical key created by the dream demon. Dipper domain was designed into section each part a separate room with its own purpose. There was the laboratory, the library, the study, the armory, and the bedroom. Dipper was in the laboratory as it was filled with everything dipper needed. As dipper walked in to the lab he came to a pedestal. Noctua flew off his shoulder and landed on a perch dipper had set up just for her. Setting the dimensional rift on the pedestal dipper consulted his book. Ever since he learned about interdimensional portals and rifts, dipper had been spending every moment of free time memorizing the ritual to create a map from the rift. So after setting the rift down dipper grabbed a crystalline orb. Setting beside the rift dipper began to chant.

Neggeiuywbtysvv dijgyueb isigguifryyrhndpb jkkkeo yeoc msthey losbdihge rh Ndfkmim tgfb bvnvb c

As he chanted the words of the demon language the rift began to change. The liquid inside bills orb began to evaporate. Transforming into a gas of sorts. The gas then began to exit the orb and surrounded the pretty blue crystalline orb. Slowly the gas was absorbed by the crystal orb. Changing it. The orb was becoming shinier, more colorful, and far more beautiful. When the ritual was over, bills orb was empty and the crystal ball now looks like it was made of an entire galaxy. Dipper picked up the orb slowly and held it in his hand. He now possessed the key to finding the library of fnbvgff. Closing his eyes dipper felt the map begin to show him the way towards the library of vmvc. The way the orb showed him was amazing. It was showing him the way in his mind. As if he had already been to library before. However the library was not somewhere he could walk, run or even fly to. It was far more complicated then that, but not complicated enough to where he could not enter. It's kinda like entering a domain. There is no physical door for the library, but there was a door. You simply had to understand how to open it. Putting out his hand dipper immediately felt a door. It was invisible, but it was there. Pushing it open, the space in front of his seemed to fold open like a door with a library being just on the other side. Not want to be left alone noctua flew from her perch and landed on dippers shoulder. Dipper then walked through and smiled. He had found the library. Now he could find the prophecy that bill wanted oh so much. The prophecy of gods. It is a prophecy that foretells a battle between dream demons, the winner come out on top as the most powerful dream demon in all the dimensions of the universe. Essentially making them a god without equal. Turning back to the orb dipper found out exactly where the prophecy was hiding. He then began to walk through the never ending twists and turns of the labyrinth named the library of hdfff. After a while dipper found himself standing in front of a scroll floating in mid air. Without a doubt it was the prophecy. Carefully he walked into the room. He then slowly made his way to the scroll. As he reached out to grab it though. A massive magical surge of electricity hit him and threw him back. Noctua fell off dipper but caught herself mid fall and flapped her wings so that she landed on the ground. Dipper was not so lucky. Hitting a shelf and knocking a few books off the shelf. Noctua hopped over to him. Because she was his familiar dipper could feel her worry for him. Dipper coughed some smoke as he sat there against the shelf. He looked at Noctua and patted her head reassuring her.

"Well. This is gonna be harder then I thought." Dipper said.

Dipper would then spend the next week trying to force his way past whatever barrier holds the prophecy, read other books in the library that might hold the prophecy, search his own magic book for a way past the barrier, and whatever other idea he might have. All of them coming up short. The only way dipper could get past the barrier was with pure demonic power. Or so his magic book said. Dipper sighed as he sat against a shelf staring at the floating prophecy. In a moment of dismay dipper banged his head hard against the shelf he was propped up against. Suddenly a book fell in his lap. Sighing he grabbed the book and stood up to put it back on the shelf. However, as he did he read the title.

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