There's no such thing as aliens.... JK

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Ford and the others regrouped at Pacifica's mansion.

"So what do we do now? Wait for dipper to get back with some power that can fight bill?" Wendy asked.

"I don't know what else we can do." Stanley Said.

"Once bill entered our reality his power became unstoppable. He can do whatever he wants. He can make water turn to blood, cause volcanoes to burst from the ground, turn the most beautiful and innocent creature into a monstrosity. He controls everything in our universe. Dipper was right to look to the future for an answer on how to beat bill." Ford explained.

"This sucks. We're stuck here while our friends in another timeline and we can't even do something against that three sided son of a bitch!" Wendy Said clearly upset.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" Pacifica asked.

"There is one thing." Ford said. He looked at Stan. Stan saw his look.

"Oh no! We are not going back to that! Last time we were there you almost got taken to who knows where!" Stanley Said.

"Where?" Robbie asked. Ford looked at everyone.

"Everyone grab your we're going to the most dangerous place in gravity falls." Ford said. Everyone seemed confused. What they've experienced has been real dangerous. What could be worse? And how much worse is it?


Dipper was looking in his book searching for a way to hide himself from bill. No way could he just go out of his domain without having some way to hide. As he read through all the possible ways to hide his demonic presence he kept vetoing each method as he either couldn't preform it or it was too weak. As he searched he found one speaking of a device that could hide one's presence from dream demons completely. Reading about it he realized it was in a place that had been right underneath his feat for several years of his life. But how would he reach it. He couldn't leave his domain. As he thought that the book became blank before it brought up an instruction manual on familiars. Dipper raised an eyebrow. He had already read this when he got Noctua. So why was the book bringing this up again. Knowing there was a reason dipper began to read it. That's when he found it.

A familiar could create a portal between itself and its owner. Allowing either one to move to it in the blink of an eye.

With this dipper could send Noctua to find the device and create a portal between them so that he can retrieve the device. Dipper was just hoping that no one else was heading to the Alien Spaceship under gravity falls.


"So why are we up here mr. Pines?" Tambry asked. The group had reached the top of a giant hill overlooking the canyon walls that surrounded gravity falls.

"I would like everyone to turn their attention to the bridge north of us." Ford said as he pointed to the break in the cliffs where the bridge was built. Everyone looked at it. "Does anyone see that the shape is peculiar." Ford said.

"I always thought it was a little weird that there's a giant horizontal crack in that wall. I mean why would that be there." Wendy said. Stanley turned to Mabel.

"Come on Mabel. I think if anyone can figure out what it looks like it's you sweetie. Come on." Stanley encouraged. Mabel felt a little out of place as everyone turned to her.

"Ugh.... ok. I'll try." She said. She walked to the front of the group and looked at it. Her imagination went into over drive as it began to work its way through ideas. A huge plate with a giant omelet? No. A big penguin on its belly with its arms out? Nope not that either. Mabel turned her again. Why did she feel like she had seen this shape before. A planet with a ring around it? A saucer stuck in the middle of round orange? As she thought of that for some reason the word saucer stuck inside her head. Why? It wasn't like there was any kind of saucer that big and with that shape unless it was a...... Mabel gasped. She then reached into her pockets and pulled out her key chain to the mystery shack. Grunkle Stan had given her a key to the shack when she had been working for him. She had added a bunch of trinkets to the keys. She then leveled it with the hole. It matched perfectly with her flying saucer key chain. "No way." Mabel said. Everyone looked at what she was holding up the. Looked at the hole.

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