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It was just like any other day of school for (Y/n).

it was the end of lunch, and she had to head to science class. The only class she hated the most, since that's where she got separated from Ren Arinaga, one of (Y/n)'s closest friends.

But somehow, she still survived. For in that class, she had a lot of acquaintances. Like for example, Yami Tsumibukai, Souta Ryozo, etc. etc.

she was friends with everyone in that class, except for one boy. Yukimuro Moritaka. Or "yuki" as everyone called him.

Yuki was a very attractive boy. He had many girls just dying to be with him, and of course, he had used that to his advantage.

His green eyes were just enough to make a girl simply faint whenever he walked by. Knowing this all too well, he became the biggest jackass in school, and only the masochistic girls were still in love with him.

There were a lot of girls like that in Kōfuku Academy, but thankfully, (Y/n) wasn't one of them.

Though honestly, (y/n) always had thought he looks somewhat cute, especially when he smiles. Despite him being a sadistic, mean jerk.

[credits: character is named "rantaro amami" he is from danganronpa v3

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[credits: character is named "rantaro amami" he is from danganronpa v3. Art by.. I have no idea who, but once I find out, I will edit their name here.]

Once (y/n) stepped foot into the science classroom, she was greeted by a smug smirk plastered on Yuki's face as he was approaching her.

The girl already knew he was going to pick on her, so she slowly backed out of the classroom, at the same speed as Yuki.

"oh come on, get your ass back here." it seemed as though Yukimuro had dropped his smirk, though once (y/n)'s back hit the wall, that smirk returned once more.

The (e/c) eyed female looked behind Yuki, and saw at least three other girls jealously staring at her. Truth is, (y/n) didn't even want to be in this situation.

Normally, yuki would back off whenever she was with Ryo, but there was no ryo to protect her now.

Yuki was inches away from the poor girl's trembling body. The green haired boy opened his mouth, to say something, and as if on que, a teacher's voice was heard.

"what's happening here?" Mrs. Kim asked, once she peeked her head out from a different classroom.

"oh," Yuki turned to the old lady. "I was just helping (y/n). You see, she just has a loose strand of hair, and I wanted to put it back in place." he smiled, before turning back to the female and slowly taking a strand of her hair, and putting it behind her ear. Despite the fact that her hair was loose, and that strand didn't need to go behind her ear.

"Then why's the poor girl against a wall?"

just by looking at the green haired boy's eyes, (y/n) could clearly see he was getting annoyed by the elderly woman.

"ah, that's simply because (y/n) wanted to tie her shoe, and she needed something for support." yuki flashed another smile at the woman, before she eventually went back to her classroom.

Once she disappeared from sight, the boy quickly shot his attention back to (y/n).

"so, fatty, did you do my homework?" he asked, with a somewhat angry tone.

'oh shoot. riiiggghhttt..i forgot to do his homework!' the girl mentally reminded herself, as she lightly shook her head. She saw the boy's hand raise, and she quickly hid her face, bracing herself for the impact.

Her timid act had made the emerald eyed boy simply laugh. The girls who were staring also began laughing. "(y/n).. You better do it next time, you fucking whore." he turned around, and walked back to class.

(y/n) was downright shocked. she expected more than just humiliation, seeing how Yukimuro was her bully for about three years now, and he's always hurt her physically whenever he decided to toy with her. Today was an exception, for some reason.

The girl slowly followed him in the classroom, not long after he had entered. Yuki was sitting on his desk, and laughing at jokes that his friends made. it's as if nothing happened at all, just a few minutes ago.

Though despite that, those girls who were looking earlier, they were still staring at (y/n) with envy burning in their eyes.

The (e/c) eyed girl had slowly sat down in her seat, and quietly waited for the teacher to come and start the lesson.

The bell rang, and the teacher wasn't here. It's not like Mr. Hoshi to be late. Though, a few minutes passed of (y/n) feeling invisible in a classroom of chaos, and the principle entered.

The room fell dead silent.

"alright, everyone, you will not have science class for today and tomorrow, because Kazume Hoshi had caught a cold." and with that, the man left.

everyone was extremely excited. even (y/n).

They all rushed out of the classroom to do whatever, though the (h/c) haired girl had decided to leave last, seeing how everyone was going absolutely crazy over the news.

When the classroom cleared, the girl had thought for a bit. She was about to go see ryo, but he still was in whatever lesson he had, so the girl just sat there in silence.

The empty classroom felt a tad eerie, as the girl had slowly began to sink in the silence. Well, before the door slammed open, and she saw Yuki rushing to his seat. He looked a tad worried, before he noticed (y/n).

"what're you doing here?" yuki asked, as he began to search around his desk.

"unimportant. what are you doing here?" she shot back.

"I'm looking for something." he didn't even look at the girl, as he continued to search all around his desk.

"what in the world could you be looking for?" she rolled her eyes.

"why do you want to know?" he searched a bit more, before inevitably failing at finding what he was looking for. "I can't find it.." he glared at the girl. "you stole it, didn't you?"

he began approaching the girl. "what are you even talking about?" she looked confused, and a tad offended that he would see her as a thief.

"My heart. You stole my heart."

(y/n)'s eyes shot open completely. she was absolutely shocked. So shocked, in fact, that she didn't even notice the blush creeping onto her cheeks. It was as if the world stopped spinning, and time just vanished.

She was having a moment, before Yuki started laughing. "don't tell me you thought I was serious.." he said whilst chuckling. "I could never have feelings for a pig like you!" he was laughing so hard, it was as if he had not laughed in a million years. He was literally crying from the laughter.

(y/n) just sat there silently, as the redness from her cheeks disappeared.

when the boy was done laughing, he went back to his desk, then decided to look under his chair, and found his lighter. Once he grabbed it, he slowly went out of the classroom.

The girl just continued to sit in silence, as she stared at the clock, and waited for time to go by faster.

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