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Yuki had forcefully pressed his lips against hers, in desperation of her touch.

he had locked the girl in a hungry and aggressive kiss. despite her attempts at pushing him away, the girl couldn't help, but kiss back. perhaps, if she just gave in, she'd get freed with time. she just needs to get on his good side.

after a few minutes of the chaotic kiss that had drove them both to wanting more, the male had unfortantly broke the kiss. he was smirking, for, there was a string of saliva connecting both their lips.

"(y/n)~.." he cooed. "I want moooore~" yuki slowly brought his face closer to hers, as he was collecting the string of saliva back into his mouth, just t savor everything that came out of (y/n).

"I do too, but we shouldn't do this.. we're still underage-" she was cut off, by the green eyed male pressing his lips on hers.

"come on, I'll pull out before I release. No one needs to know~" he nibbled on her bottom lip, slipping his hand in the pants that the girl had wore.

"y-yuki--" (y/n) was cut off once more. this time, it was by the doorbell, and not the boy.

he shook his head in disappointment and pulled our his hand. "I'll deal with you later. for now, I must go, princess~" he gave her one last peck on the lips, before heading out of his room and slamming the door shut, behind him.

Yuki slowly made his way to the front door, and opened it. To his surprise, it wasn't who he was expecting.

it was Ryo. (y/n)'s best friend.

The raven haired male's arms were crossed. He looked somewhat annoyed. "do you know where (y/n) is? she's been missing for a few days, and you're one of the only people who had ever made contact with her."

"woah there, buckaroo." Yuki wiggled his eyebrows. "you're assuming that she's with me, just because I've thrown a few insults her way? you're closer to her. I'm pretty sure you're the one keeping her hostage or some shit, and throwing the blame on everyone around you, just because you don't wanna get caught." he winked. "poor (y/n)~.. captured by her best friend. truly a shame, isn't it?"

"what are you even talking about? if she'd be with me, then I sure as hell wouldn't be throwing the blame on others. besides that, even if she would be with me, I can assure you, it'd be willingly. now, tell me where you're keeping her before I get my AK." The black eyed boy had threatened, though his words obviously had not affected the other male.

on the other hand,
while they were arguing, (y/n) was peeking through the window that was right above yuki's bed. she slowly opened it, and looked down at ryo.

"ryo! help.." she squeaked, and just like that, she had received the male's attention.

"(y/n)!" he yelled in shock. he was so glad that he found the girl. he was just downright blinded, for, he had missed her so much. Yuki took advantage of this, and quickly slammed the door shut, and dashed to where the girl was.

when he was inside that room, he shook his head. "tsk tsk.. bad girls get punished." he grabbed a knife from his desk, and slowly started heading towards the girl, leaving fear exposed in her (e/c) eyes.

before they both knew it, the door had slammed open and it was the raven haired male. Ryo.

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