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warning, this chapter is like..mega cringey.

ryo had tackled Yuki to the ground. lucky for both (y/n) and ryo, yuki was pretty weak. So, of course, the raven haired male managed to pin him to the ground by his wrists.

"(y/n), run..!" he yelled out as he looked up at her, but then, he noticed that the girl was handcuffed to the bed. "dammit.." he whispered under his breath.

The green haired boy chuckled under ryo. "plan failed." he giggled with a sinister tone.

"nope." ryo shot back, slamming his forehead into the other male's head, causing yuki to get knocked out.

"woah-" (y/n) sat there, quite shook by what just happened. "ryo, did it hurt-?" she asked quietly.

"kinda.. but, oh well, at least he's unconscious now!" he smiled, as he got up from the male and paced around the whole room, searching for the key.


"shush, I'm looking."

"but, ryo-"

"Butt's are for anal, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"ryo, it's important!"

"okay, jeez! just say it, already.."

"The key's in his pocket."

The boy was shook. like, absolutely shook. his cheeks turned into a bright red, for, he was downright embarrassed. "oh.." he muttered. "I can't believe I didn't think about that, how silly of me!" he giggled, trying the shake his embarrassment off, though it clearly wasn't working. his cheeks were getting redder and redder, until they were a deep shade of crimson.

(y/n) had also began to giggle.

The raven haired boy slowly reached into yukimuro's pocket, and pulled out a rusty, grey key. he waked over to the key, and unlocked the handcuffs. she was free, once more.

(y/n) quickly wrapped her arms around ryo. he didn't even have time to blink, for, he was locked in the tightest embrace ever. "thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" she squeaked. "how long was I gone for? I lost track of time.."

"about a week. I'm so glad I found you." he hugged her back, lifted her into the air, and twirled around.

"I'm so glad that you found me, too.. I swear to god, he was about to strip me of my virginity."

ryo slightly gasped. "did he touch you inappropriately? I swear to god, I'll shoot him-"

"no no no.. he didn't" she lied, though the boy couldn't tell the falseness in her tone.

"oh, alright.." The raven haired boy picked her up bridal style, and began to carry her back to their neighborhood. "I'm gonna call the cops on his sorry ass when we're back.." he mentioned, not far from their homes.

"No, don't. let's just say that I don't remember anything, and that he had nothing to do with it.."


"well, I don't want him to get in trouble, since it's quite obvious he doesn't know how to express his emotions like a normal person.."

"excuse me, but that is not a good reason as to why I shouldn't report him. he kidnapped you, for fuck's sake!"

"fine.." she quietly answered.

they were now at ryo's front door, as they had both looked up to the evening sky. The sun was setting, it was a lovely moment. they were both enjoying the silence, until ryo had decided to speak. "so, would you like to stay over at my house? I want to make sure noting happens to you.."

The girl simply nodded, and ryo had carried her inside.

The male had informed the police of all that happened, and Yuki was being sent to jail, or whatever.

relieved, both (y/n) and ryo had spent the whole night, together, watching movies and all that kind of stuff, just to forget everything that had happened.

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