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>>>>this continues on from chapter 11<<<<

I AM SO SORRY THIS BOOK IS SO CRINGE PLS I WAS LIKE 12 WHEN I WROTE IT--- 💀💀😭😭😭 also i would like to apologize for taking uhh 4 years to add an alternate ending

(y/n) woke up, and hopped out of bed. She made herself some breakfast: pancakes. The girl sat down in the dining room, eating quietly. When suddenly, she heard a knock on the door. A little anxious, she slowly made her way to the hallway, fork in hand. For some reason, (y/n) thought that'd be a quirky choice for a weapon.

She unlocked the door, and much to her surprise - before she even put her hand on the doorknob, the door had swung open! On the other side was ryo, one hand on the doorknob, the other - preoccupied with taking off his shoes. In his mouth he had a piece of toast, and he was nibbling on it.

"you scared me!" (y/n) exclaimed.

Ryo finished taking off his shoes. "sorry, i didn't mean to.." he trailed off. "can i come in?"

"ryo.. babes.. you already have your shoes off, of course you can." and with that, they made their way to the dining room, where (y/n) finished her breakfast, and shared some with her friend.

"so i've been meaning to tell you something, (y/n).." the raven haired male looked at her with a serious expression. "i like you a lot. and i have liked you for quite some time now.." he blushed a little. "i tried making it obvious.. i don't know if you got the hint, though.." he hid his face in his hands, but peeked at her through the gaps between his fingers.

"are you implying i'm dense?"

"definitely." he laughed.

"jerk.." (y/n) rolled her eyes, then smiled. "i like you too." she wrapped her arms around him, and he hugged her back very very tightly. "ryo!! you're gonna kill me..!" they both giggled.

"ahh.. sorry.. i'm just so happy.." he nuzzled the crook of her neck. "so you'll be my girlfriend, right, (y/n), my dear?" he looked at her with puppy-like eyes.

"i'd love to!" she beamed full of joy.

"lovely!" he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the couch, laying atop her and cuddling her. "i've been waiting so long for this.." ryo nuzzled her once more, then kissed her left cheek. Then he kissed her right cheek. Then her forehead. Then the tip of her nose. And finally - he softly kissed her lips. They were so sweet, he could taste the pancakes she ate earlier. ryo explored everywhere he could with his tongue. He kept kissing her passionately, resting his hands on her waist. He bit her bottom lip. He wanted to taste every litttle bit of her, but he couldnt. It was too soon. Ryo slowly broke the kiss, a string of saliva connecting their lips. They were both panting. "oh, (y/n).. you're so pretty.. i love you so much."

(y/n) cupped his cheeks. she was all red. "i love you too, ryo.."

ryo sat up, between her legs. He held out his hand for her, and pulled her to sit up as well. She was sitting on his lap. "you know, i can't believe this is actually happening.." he said, leaning in and biting her earlobe. the slight pain sent a shiver down her spine. He felt himself growing more hungry, the closer they were to one another.

"what do y-you mean?" she stuttered out.

"i liked you for so damn long." he kissed her neck. The kissing slowly got rougher, turning to biting. He kept leaving hickeys everywhere he touched with his lips. (y/n) moaned as soon as he bit her sweet spot. She was gripping onto his shoulders, her fingers slightly twitching.

"r-ryo.." she moaned out, grabbing a handful of his hair. she gently tugged, trying to get him away from her sensitive spot. "not there.." but he didn't budge. not until he left her entire neck all black and blue.

he moved back a bit, admiring his work. "sorry, (y/n), i got a bit too carried away.. my mouth hurts." he grinned. "how about we do something fun?"

"like what..?" (y/n) reddened at the thought. Endless possibilities.

"a movie maybe?"

"huh.." (y/n) furrowed her brows. She was so frustrated. How could he leave her so hot and bothered like that?

"no movie? okay, how about we go nap? you seem grumpy, you could use one." he teased.

"fine." she gave in. "only for a couple hours.. i don't want to sleep the whole day away." they both laid back down on the couch, same position as before.

-time skip, a few years later.-

"(y/n)!.. have you seen my tie?!" ryo shouted, from the other side of the house.

"yes, honey, you left it here!" (y/n) responded, sitting on the foot of the bed.

ryo rushed in. "thanks." he went to get the tie, before (y/n) snatched it away. "oh, come on, darling, you know im running late already.. i'm seriously going to get fired at this rate." he frowned.

(y/n) stood up, tie in hand. She put it over him, and began tying it. "you know i like tying it.."

"but it's so cliche.. and kind of sexist. you're not my maid, you're my wife." he held her waist as she finished up. He gently moved her around, somewhat dancing in a way. He carefully glided his hands on her belly. "getting big, hm?" he smiled. "have you thought of any names?"

"oh.. i haven't had time. i've been busy feeling sick and stressing about how i can't tie my shoes anymore." she snapped back at him.

"oh don't be like that, you're the one who begged me for a baby in the first place. besides, i can tie your shoes for you." he pinched her cheeks. "i've ought to go now. i'm late."

(y/n) frowned. "i'll miss you.."

"i'll miss you too, hon. but hey, i'll be back for lunch." he began heading for the door. "take it easy, okay? i won't take long." he opened the door. "i'll be back to tie your shoes for you before you even know it." and with that, he left work.

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