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-1st person perspective-

The weekend passed very slowly, and it was extremely boring since Ryo and I had not talked to one another after Friday.

On monday morning, once I had gotten ready, I opened my front door only to be greeted by a cold wind. Ryo wasn't on my porch, which was extremely unusual. In fact, that has never happened before. Well, that is, after I had met the boy.

My imagination slowly spiraled to the worst of thoughts as I inserted the key into the lock, and slowly turned it, in other to lock the door.

Once I took the key out, I was determined that ryo would be behind me now, though when I turned around, he was not there.

-3rd person perspective, since I don't like writing in 1st person that much-

'what if he went missing? What if he's dead? what if..' the girl could not finish her thought, once she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

She took it out, only to see that it was Ryo calling. speak of the devil, am I right?

she picked up, slowly leaning on her door, not worrying about being late to school. Her friend was more important than her education.

"heyyyy,," ryo said, in a tired-sounding tone.

"uh, hi?" The girl was confused. She glanced at her friend's house, since it was to the right of hers.

"so sorry I couldn't pick you up-" he mumbled something. "I mean, I can't even go to school in general. Since it's autumn and all, I kind of caught a cold."

The girl was worried for her friend, but then it struck her. How will she survive the day with Yuki, if ryo wasn't around? "y-you can't be sick..!" she quietly yelled, whilst marching to his house.

"I'm sorryyyy, I shouldn't have ran around in the rain on Thursday." when he was done, the girl pressed the doorbell. "oh, hold on, someone's here. call me back during lunch, okay?"

The female didn't even bother to answer, as she slowly hung up and waited for him to get the door.

She pressed the doorbell again, and heard the sick boy yell "I'm coming!" (but not in the dirty way, you perverts.)

After a few annoyingly slow seconds, the door slowly opened, and behind it was a very tired looking ryo. He had bags under his eyes, and his eyes were half-closed. His glasses were crooked, and he was still in his pajamas. He had a cute little bed-head too.

"(y/n)? why are you not at school?" he quickly fixed his glasses and searched the girl up and down, to see whether she was injured or something.

Considering that (y/n)'s parents were always at work, the girl practically lived alone. Her parents had their own apartment in the city they worked in, and they would come visit (y/n) as often as possible. That being around once or twice a month, though each time they came, they left her a lot of money so she could be able to take care of herself.

Taking note of this, Ryo had felt as though he needed to protect the girl, that explaining why he was examining her body.

"I don't wanna go without you.." she was absolutely petrified of what Yuki would do, and truth to be told, Ryo was actually unaware of the other male bullying his best friend.

"that's cute, although, you seriously need to get your ass to school." he grinned, petting her head, before looking behind himself to look at a clock. "you're already really late, and missing a day of school is bad."

"but, ryo! I won't surviveeee.." The male blushed a tad, though to the girl, it was left unnoticed. well, she did notice it, although she brushed the thought off, using the excuse that it might be since he's sick.

"butts are for anal." he winked. "though seriously, schoooollll. I'll go get dressed and walk you to the gates if you want me to come along so badly."

she shook her head, as an idea had popped. "whenever I'm sick, you always take care of me. So, this time, I'll take care of you." she slowly walked passed him, and into his home.

"I can take care or myself, you need to go to school." he gently grabbed her wrist, not allowing her to go deeper into his home. Even though he was sick, he was still pretty strong.

"please? just this one time.. I'll never do this again, I promise!" The girl pleaded, knowing pretty well that the raven haired boy could not deny her request, when it included a 'please'.

after a few seconds of thinking, the boy finally accepted. "fineeeee." he closed the door. "you're really mean, you know.. using my weaknesses against me like that." he chuckled, and the girl let out a giggle.

He was still holding her by the wrist, as he slowly dragged her to his room where the girl had taken care of him for the rest of the day.

Though if Ryo's father was home, he'd scold him so bad for making a girl lose a day of school, just to take care of him.

Thankfully, he was away on a business trip, and he'd still be on it for a few more months. Though he made sure to call him at least four times a week, just to ask him how he was doing and all that jazz.

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