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finally, it was the end of the lesson. Once the bell rang, (y/n) slowly went out of the science classroom, and proceeded to walk to the history classroom.

When the girl arrived in the classroom, she immediately spotted her best friend Ryo, he was sitting in his seat, which was right next to (y/n)'s.

When the girl arrived in the classroom, she immediately spotted her best friend Ryo, he was sitting in his seat, which was right next to (y/n)'s

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[credits: character is "yukimura tooru", from I have no idea which anime. Artist: [will add when I find out.]

similar to Yuki, Ryo was also admired by many females. Though, not because he was mean, rather because he was smart, and he had the looks. Admittedly, even (y/n) had a secret little crush on him.

The (e/c) eyed female slowly went to her seat, and sat down. Ryo simply just examined her, since normally she's excited for history because it's always the last lesson. Though, ever since lunch, she just seemed tired.

"(y/n)?" Ryo tilted his head, continuing to examine the girl. He has a confused, yet somewhat worried look on his face.

"hmm?" The girl turned her head to face him.

"what's the matter? You seem a tad.." he paused, before continuing and trying to find the correct term to describe the girl. "out of it."

"what do you mean?" now even (y/n) had a look of confusion plastered on her face.

"well, usually you're happy for history class. today you seem down in the dumps, though." the male explained, before asking a question. "did someone ruin your mood, perhaps? I'll beat them to death, if that's the case." The boy flashed her a smile.

"ohh, no no, it's nothing like that. I just feel weird, you know?"

"oh, alright." and as the boy said that, the bell had rang.

after class, as always, (y/n) had began walking home with her best friend

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after class, as always, (y/n) had began walking home with her best friend.

Exiting through the school gates, she managed to get a glimpse of Yuki cornering some girl, from the corner of her eye. Though the female seemed to enjoy it, which wasn't odd in this school at all.

(Y/n) quickly glanced at Ryo, to make sure that he's next to her so Yuki wouldn't pick on her. To her relief, as always, Ryo was right beside her.

"are you okay?" The raven haired boy asked the girl, since she looked pretty worried about something.

"I feel better than ever!" (Y/n) flashed a fake smile which had actually managed to fool Ryo.

"that's good."

and with that, the pair proceeded to head home.

Ryo was actually (Y/n)'s neighbor, which was really good for the girl.

Once at the (e/c) eyed girl's front door, ryo waved goodbye to her, smiling. She did the same, before going inside.

Ryo walked to his home, and did the same.

Morning had came, and the girl arose from her slumber

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Morning had came, and the girl arose from her slumber. Once she was done with her morning routine, she opened her front door. To her surprise, Ryo was already on her porch.

"good morning, (y/n). How did you sleep?" the black eyed boy grinned at her, and opened his arms.

"good morning, ryo." she hugged him. "I slept good~, and you?"

"mighty fine." he let go of the girl, and she had locked her door and put the key in her pocket.

They both went to school, though thankfully, it was Friday, so (y/n) didn't worry that much.

Unfortunately enough, on Fridays, the first lesson (y/n) had was science, where she'd get separated from her best friend and tortured by Yuki once more.

Once at the science classroom, Ryo walked off to his own class before turning around and waving goodbye to the girl. She smiled, and waved goodbye to him as well as she entered her classroom.

To her surprise, the classroom was empty. and then it hit her, she didn't have science today because something happened to the teacher. Shrugging it off, she remembered she didn't do her English homework, and English was right after science. So with that being said, the girl did her homework for the whole lesson.

Once the lesson was done, she made her way to the English classroom where as always, on every Friday, she met up with Ryo.

The rest of the day was extremely peaceful for the girl, until after history class. When Ryo told the girl that he couldn't walk with her home, because he had to visit the doctor's for something.

The girl was walking home by herself, before she felt as though she was being watched. She stopped in her tracks, and looked around, even behind herself to check if anyone was indeed eyeing her. To her surprise, no one was around, so she ignored that dreaded feeling in her guts and continued walking home.

Once inside, she felt watched once more. Shrugging the feeling off, she continued on with her day.


"so that's where she lives.." The boy continued on following the sidewalk to his own home, once (y/n) got inside.

apologies for such a short and boring chapter. I was feeling very uninspired. ಥ_ಥ

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