Chapter 5

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*Zayn's POV*

Did I heard that right? Did he ask me the be his boyfriend?

"I- eh- em-" I couldn't come out with it.

"it's ok if you don't want to" he looked down.

"I-I would love to be you boyfriend"

Niall looked up with a smile on his face and surprise in his eyes. Making him look slightly creepy. It was ok though.

"really!" he squealed. That's right my boyfriend squeals.

"of course!"

"should we tell the others?"

"If you want to." I. Wasn't sure

"do you want to?"

"kinda" I was still unsure

"me too"

"I'll go get the lads"

Niall nodded at me. I walked out the room trying to hide my excitement. I walk over to the lads.

"Niall wants to tell you guys something" I say sheepishly

"what?" asked Lou

"just come on" I say playfully rolling my eyes

We walk over to Niall's room. They barge in all attacking Niall with a group hug. I just stood behind and waited until they were done.

"lads I have to tell you something" Niall's stare Was telling me to come over to where he was. I walked over. He grabbed my hand. Tightly I might add. But I'm not complaining.

"Zayn and I are now-"

I couldn't wait. I just planted a kiss on Niall's lips. The lads gasped. And Danielle.

"Dating" I finished Niall's sentence. Danielle seemed like the first on to zone back in.

"OMG!! Congrats guys" she hugged the both of us. She nudged Liam on the side. Liam snapped out of it and came back to earth.

"YES CONGRATS!" Liam said with a huge smile as his cheeks raised making his eyes squint slightly. He slapped Louis and Harry also snapping them out of it. "congratulations man!" both Louis and Harry said. I can now honestly say I am the happiest person alive. We all group hugged. After hanging out a bit, the lads and Danielle left. I stayed behind. I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. Feels weird saying or thinking boyfriend. Hmmm. But it feels right. So it's a good weird. My Niall and I watched tv. Snuggle up together. His head resting on my chest. His hand in my abdomen. my arm around his shoulder pulling him close. And my other hand holding onto Niall's hand that was on my abdomen. We stayed there. Safe in each others arms. Feeling so loved. So carefree. We fell asleep. Together.

*Louis POV*

Liam dropped me and Harry off at the Flat. I unlock the door. Chill ran down my spine. I never want to go into that bathroom again! I can feel tears starting to sting my eyes. Daring to fall. I sniffle a bit. Then I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"it's ok boobear, he's going to get better. He's just going to stay in the hospital for a few days. He needs to stay under watch. Just calm down"

By then I was sobbing my heart out. It sounded like I was gasping for air and crying. I'm such an ugly crier. I chuckle at my thought.

"what you laughing about boobear?"

"I'm such an ugly crier"

"aww.... No you're not."

"yes I am. I manage to sound like I'm gasping for air, hiccup, and cry all at the same time. Plus my face looks weird"

"all that is true but..."

I cut him off


"you didn't let me finish, BUT!! You are always beautiful in my eyes boo"

"aw thank you Hazza"

"your welcome Lou"

Harry and I walk over to our couch and watch TV. We turn it to the the sports channel and watch football. (soccer) minutes later Hazza decides to sleep with his head on my lap. I can't get up now. I look at the time. Nearly half 10. What's taking Liam so long?

Someone I can't have. (Ziall boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now