Odette - 2

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Odette's POV

Same day

        "Hey there kiddo"

        "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not a kid and neither are you," I laugh at Liam as he walks towards me.

        "Man, this library is cold as shi-" I gave him a warning glare. "I mean, this library is cold as ships!" He corrects himself when he sits beside me.

        Ha, that didn't even make sense. I burst into laughter due to Liam's incompetence. Which makes Liam break out into laughter too. But the librarians come and scold us to be quiet.

        Once the librarian leaves, Liam starts to make funny faces behind her back. Making it difficult to hold in my giggles. "You look like you're freezing Odette. Here take my sweater".

        He takes his large Yale pull-over off, handing it to me. His shirt lifts up a little, exposing his chest. But sadly, it quickly falls back down. I know I'm a little creeper for wanting to see more. But can you blame me? I'm a teenager girl with her crazy hormones.

        Pulling over Liam's sweater onto myself, I can feel the warmth take over my body. "You look cute wearing my clothes you know?"

        I giggled. A moment of silence overcomes us until Liam's face starts to move closer to mine. We are only a few inches apart from each other, our lips barely touching. I close my eyes, waiting for the moment, which his lips touch mine. That connection that we share between each other, the way we express our affection for one another.

        "Oh wait!" he shouts. Damn it Liam why did you have to spoil the moment.

        "You dropped this in the hallway earlier," he lifted up the locket.

        I can't believe it fell off and I didn't notice! "Liam I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I can't believe I didn't even feel it fall off-"

"It's okay, at least you have it now," he put the necklace into my palm and closed my fingers over it. "I have to go to class now, big exam." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and leaves.

. . . . . . . . .

        Ever since that day, I've been having hallucinations about him. It usually happens when I'm alone, which is all the time. I stopped going to my therapist after the first anniversary of his death. That was the day Liam's parents decided to move so they could be closer to Lexi's college. In other words, get away from this hellhole city and move on. Liam's mom, Martha, let me take home some of his personal belongings a couple days after.

        His room still looked the same when I went there. Posters of his favorite bands, college banners, Marvel icons, sports teams- everything that Liam adored. On the shelf above his bed were framed pictures. To my surprise, they weren't pictures of his family; they were all of me. I remember he admired photography just like his grandfather did. When his grandpa died, his grandfather gave Liam his fancy camera in his will. Liam used it all the time, especially when I was around. The pictures were either of me by myself or with Liam. Beautiful, they were.

        "We looked happy in these pictures," I thought to myself when I took the photos in my hand. That was when I broke down in Liam's house and refused to get out of his room. My mom had to come and drag me out of Liam's bedroom. Mrs. Roberts was reminded of the event, the death of her son when she heard my cries. Everyone in the house burst into tears that day remembering Liam. He didn't deserve to die, he was so loved. I love him.

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