Ron - 1

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Dedicated to isabelleronin for being amazing and helping me with my stories <3 Love you girl


Ron's POV

1 Year and 166 Days Later: September 2, 2015

        I've never been the new kid before. I was never the popular kid too. Other kids considered me weird because my friends and I acted like the trio from Harry Potter. My friend Garrett was Harry because he had the Harry Potter glasses. My other friend, Louise was Hermione since she had the smarts and the curly hair. I, on the other, was Ron because of my name and I'm the funny idiot. And no, I did not end up going out with Louise. She's not my type (hehe) and she ended up with Garrett.

        But it's my final year of high school, and mom wanted to start off fresh ever since the divorce. Manhattan wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's a big shift from sunny California to troubled New York. The noise level is the same, but the climate just kills me. I'm so used to wearing shorts every day, all day. It's so friggin' cold here that I feel like I'm in the Artic. It is only September and I already see brown fallen leaves that are frozen.

        Driving from my home, I plugged in my iPhone and started playing House Music. Crash (Original Mix) by Quintino and MOTI blares throughout my stereos filling the whole car. Garrett teased me all the time for liking House Music, but it's enjoyable. It's the kind of music you would hear at a rave; the loud beat which keeps everyone going, dancing.

        I drove my car into the school parking lot. The concrete lot had cracks in the ground with the yellow paint fading away. Graffiti was written everywhere in the parking area. Words like the F-bomb and A-hole were painted on the wall. Someone even tried to scratch Dx onto it. Other things were put on the wall, but they are so disturbing that not even words can describe. I could feel the shivers down my spine.

        Before exiting my car, I stripped of the ridiculous amount of clothing my mother made me out on this morning. She forced me wear a stripped sweater and a huge winter coat, along with a thousand scarves around my neck. I know it's cold but is it really necessary to pack me up like a hot tamale? I'm as fluffy as a marshmallow!

        Grabbing my bag from my trunk and putting on my beanie, I made my way to the prison they call Woodbrooke High School.

        Twenty minutes before the bell for first period rang. Holding the crumpled schedule between my fingers, I am positive that I'm not ready to be the new kid. People started to start at me as I walked through the hallways. I feel like an insect under a microscope with their glares.

        The stares from the girls weren't as bad. I've never had girls look at me with lust and such awe. At my old school, they pushed me aside for being a Harry Potter nerd. Maybe I'll change it up this year.

        I throw my plush hat into my pocket, and comb my fingers through my hair. It was impossible though, since my hair is so short. When the girls on the side look at me, I give them my million dollar smile and wink. Amusing how they have a giggle fit in a group together.

        Leaving the hallway, I enter the library. A wisp of wind hit my face once I passed the door frame. The atmosphere is cold, tight. Not many students are around except for the studious ones with their noses in books. I'm envious of how focused they can be. I, on the other hand, have the attention span of a squirrel. Otherwise, it was just the librarians and me.

        I need to find a new series to read. Most of the recent teen fiction/young adult books are targeted towards teen girls. Very annoying how they're about this so-called "love", talking about boys, and what not. I've read the Harry Potter series over seven times and Eragon at least twice.

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